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OPS235 Lab 2 - CentOS7

9,824 bytes added, 12:28, 24 September 2018
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{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}}
= = Purpose / Objectives of Lab2==[[Image:hostmachine.png|thumb|right|300px|The c7host Linux server will run virtualization software to install and run 3 virtual machines (installed in lab2). ]] '''In this lab, you will create three virtual machines'''. This also gives you an opportunity to experiment with different ways of installing CentOS .<br><br><u>Main Objectives</u> * '''Installing Virtualization Software''' on your '''c7host''' machine* '''Create 3 separate VMs (virtual machines) using different installation methods:''':* Centos Live DVDInstallation:* Network Installation without configuration file:* Network Installation Methods with configuration file (on Virtual Machines: centos1Kickstart)* Understand the '''advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation''', centos2, centos3and be able to '''select the best installation method''' for a particular situation.* '''Manipulate virtual machines by CLI''' (virsh)* '''Properly backup VMs and VM configuration''' in virtual manager application onto home directory and to external source (USB Key) =* Observe how '''Bash Shell Scripting''' can be used to automate routine tasks involving VM management 
== Introduction What is a Virtual Machine?==[[Image:hostmachine.png|thumb|right|300px|The c7host Linux server will run virtualization software to install and run 3 virtual machines (installed in lab2). ]]'''In this lab, you will create three virtual machines'''. This also gives you an opportunity to experiment with different ways of installing CentOS.
A '''virtual machine''' is a software simulation of a computer which can be used as though it were actual hardware. It's possible to run multiple virtual machines on one computer, reducing hardware requirements and introducing promoting flexibilitywhen working with multiple operating systems. Some common uses of virtualization include:
:* '''Software testing''' -- Using multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single computer for testing and experimentation.
== Objectives == * '''Understand Virtualization'''* '''Use KVM virtualization on CentOS'''* '''Use a variety of installation methods:'''** Live Image Installation** Network Installation** Kickstart Installation* '''Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation, and be able to select the best installation method for a particular situation.''' == Minimum Required Materials (Bring to All Labs) ==
{|cellpadding="15" width="40%"
|- valign="top"
|width="10%" | [[Image:blank-cd.png|thumb|left|85px|<b>CentOS7</b>LIVE DVD]]
|width="10%" | [[Image:harddrive.png|thumb|left|85px|<b>Removable Hard Disk Pack</b> (SATA)]]
==My Toolkit (CLI Reference)==
{|width="100%" cellpadding=Prerequisites"15"|- valign="top"|width="20%" |<u>Virtualization:</u>[ virt-manager]<br>[ virsh]|width="20%" |<u>Commands</u>[ gzip, gunzip]<br>[ grep]<br>[ wc]<br>[ pwd]<br>[ ls]<br>[ more]<br>[ file]<br>[ wget]<br>[ chmod]<br>[ vi]|width="20%" |<u>Installation Guides</u>[ Installing &amp; Using KVM on CentOS ]<br>[ Using KVM (tutorial)]<br>[ virsh command reference ]<br>[ CentOS Kickstart Reference ]<br>
* Completion |width="40%" |{{Admon/tip|Online Linux Command Review|The following tutorial will allow you to learn essential shell scripting skills. Login to your '''Matrix''' account, and Instructor "Signissue the pathname to run the online tutorial in Matrix:<br><ul><li>Shell Scripting -off" of Lab 1Part 2 (Logic & Math Expressions): [[OPS235 Lab 1 <br>'''/home/murray.saul/scripting-2'''</li><li>Shell Scripting - Part 3 (Loops)<br>'''/home/murray.saul/scripting- CentOS6]]3'''</li></ul>|}}|}
==Linux Command Online Reference==
Each Link below displays online manpages for each command (via []):
:* '''virsh''' (Refer to CentOS Virtualization Guide link in the "Resources on the Web" section)
:* [ gzip / gunzip]
==Virtualization Application Setup / Comparison Chart==
== Resources on the Web =={[[Image:lab2-logbook.png|cellpadding="8" width="100%"thumb|- valign="top"right| '''Virtualization''':200px| '''Network Installation:'''| '''Kickstart Installation:comparison chart'''in lab2 logbook.]]
|- valign="top"|[ RedHat Virtualization Guide]|[ RHEL Installation Guide]* [ Preparing for a Network Installation]* [ Performing a Network '''Record VM Installation]|[ RHEL in Lab2 (Installation Guide]* [ Kickstart Installations]* [httpComparison Chart):// Kickstart Configurator]'''
|}You will be learning to perform several different type of CENTOS Linux installs. Lab2 already has an empty table for comparing various Linux installs. You were required in lab1 to record your observation for your '''c7host''' installation.
=Performing Lab 2=== Comparison Chart ==As you proceed throughout this lab, you will be required to fill in the comparison chart for three of the VMs (virtual machines) that you will be installing.
You will be learning to perform several different type of CENTOS Linux installs. As you proceed throughout this lab, you will be required to fill in the following table to be used for installation type comparison. You should try to fill out the section for the CENTOS install you performed in lab #1, and then continue with this lab.
Complete the following table (and transfer into your lab2 log-book notes):
{|border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="5"
! ||c6host||centos1||centos2||centos3
|'''Installation Method'''||Installation Disc||Live Disc||Network Installation||Network Installation + Kickstart
|'''Number of Packages Installed'''|| || || ||
|'''Updates Installed immediately after installation'''|| || || ||
|'''Software could be selected during installation'''|| || || ||
|'''Disk layout could be selected during installation'''|| || || ||
|'''Any questions asked during installation?'''|| || || ||
|'''Total installation time''' (after installation questions)|| || || ||
|'''Amount of disk space used'''|| || || ||
|'''Any questions asked during first boot?'''|| || || ||
|'''Advantages of this type of installation'''|| || || ||
|'''Disadvantages of this type of installation'''|| || || ||
|'''This type of installation is recommended for...'''|| || || ||
'''Complete the following steps to install and run the virtual manager application:'''
# Open a web-browser, and open the OPS235 Lab #2 WIKI.# Open a shell terminal.<br><br>'''WARNING:''' You must perform a '''yum update''' on your '''c7host''' machine before proceeding with the next steps.<br><br># You will need to download an image file for the Centos7 LIVE DVD by issuing the following command (best works while at Seneca):<br><b><code><span style== Using "color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b><br><br># Install the virtualization software by issuing the Virtual Machine Manager =command:<br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python \<br>python-virtinst libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils</span></code></b> <br><br>
{{Admon/important|Restart your Host Machine|You must restart your '''c7host''' machine after installing the virtualization program above. If you fail to do this, you may experience virtualization network problems!}}
{{Admon/tip|Performing this Lab off the Seneca network (eg. at home)|'''It is recommended to perform this lab in one of Seneca College's labs'''. This lab uses servers which are on the Seneca network and which are not available from other locations (such as your home). If you attempt this lab from another location, adjust the URLs to point to another mirror server -- note that you may need to change the directory name as well as the server name. The installation of the '''centos3''' virtual machine <u>must</u> be done at Seneca.}}
# Open a web-browser, and open the OPS235 Lab #2 WIKI. '''<br /><br />NOTE:''' You need to enter your "MySeneca" username and password to obtain a "wired" Internet connection (otherwise, you :This will not be able to perform the "groupinstall" command in the next step). Remember to perform a "wired-connection" install many applications (logging in with your MySeneca username and password via a web-browserincluding) every time you boot-up your host machine...<br /><br />:# Install the virtualization software (virtualization, libvirt, virt-manager) using <code>yum install</code> and/or <code>yum groupinstall</code>. This will install:::* '''kvm/qemu ''' - the hypervisor and other hardware emulation systems.:::* A system service named '''libvirtd ''' that manages the VMs.:::* A graphical tool for managing virtual machines ('''virt-manager''') and the '''virsh ''' command-line tool.<br><br>
<li value="35">Start the virtualization service: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">service libvirtd start</span></code></b></li> <li>The firewall configuration is altered by the addition of the virtualization software. Restart Centos7 uses firewalld for firewall, but we will be switching back to using iptables. Issue the following series of command to install iptables and restart the firewall so that these changes become active: <br><br> <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">systemctl stop firewalld</span></code></b><br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">systemctl mask firewalld</span></code></b><br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">yum install iptables-services</span></code></b><br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">systemctl enable iptables</span></code></b><br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">systemctl start iptables</span></code></b><br><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">service iptables restartsave</span></code></b><br><br></li>
{| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"
|- valign="top"
|colspan="2"|{{Admon/important|Run virt-manager as a regular user, not as root|Otherwise all your virtual machines will be owned by root and you won't be able to use them as a regular user.}}
<li value="57">Start the graphical tool by selecting the menu options '''Applications'''>'''System Tools'''>'''Virtual Machine Manager''' or by typing the command <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virt-manager</span></code>.</b></li>
{{Admon/important|Run virt-manager as a regular user, not as root|Otherwise all your virtual machines will be owned by root and you won't be able to use them as a regular user.}}
== Investigation 1: Installing from a Live Disc ==
{{Admon/tip|Using an Image instead of a Live Disc|It is recommended that you perform this installation from your Live DVD. As a matter of interest (for future reference), it is possible to install directly from the ISO file you used to burn your Live DVD. There are many Internet tutorials that show the individual how to perform that task.}}
==== Introduction ====
In == Part 1: Installing from a Downloaded Image (Centos7 LIVE CD) =={| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|{{Admon/tip|Perform Downloads and Network installs at Seneca|'''It is recommended to perform this lab in one of Seneca College's labs'''. This lab uses servers which are on the Seneca network and which are not available from other locations (such as your home). If you attempt this investigationlab from another location, adjust the URLs to point to another mirror server -- note that you will install CentOS from your live discmay need to change the directory name as well as the server name. The installation of the '''centos3''' virtual machine <u>must</u> be done at Seneca.}}|-|{{Admon/important|Removing and Recreating VMs|If for some reason the user wants to remove a Virtual Machine, they can right-click the VM, and observe select delete in the Virtual Machine Manager. It is recommended to '''"delete the image file" in the differences between this type of installation remove VM dialog box when removing and then recreating a VM'''. Note: If you fail to properly remove the VM image file, it may affect the DVD installation previously performedhard disk size for the new VM (i.e. use the old smaller size. Make certain to remove that VM image file prior to recreating the VM.|'''}}|}
==== VM Details ====
* {{Admon/important|Restart your Host Machine Again|You must restart your '''Name:c7host''' centos1* '''Boot media:''' CentOS Live DVD* '''Installation source:''' Live DVD* '''Memory:''' 768MB* '''Disk space:''' 10GB* '''CPUs:''' 1machine again, prior to creating your virtual machines. If you fail to do this, you may experience virtualization network problems!}}
==== Steps ====:'''VM Details:'''
:: '''VM Name (and hostname):''' centos1
:: '''Boot media:''' LIVE CD Image
:: '''Installation source:''' Downloaded Centos7 LIVE CD image (
:: '''VM Image Pathname:''' /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos1.img
:: '''Memory:''' 2GB
:: '''Disk space:''' 10GB
:: '''File System (root partition):''' ext4
:: '''CPUs:''' 1
# Make certain you used the wget command to download the LiveGNOME iso file from the Belmont server (from previous instructions).
# In the Virtual Machine Manger, click on the icon to ''Create a Virtual Machine'' in the upper-left corner:
# A window will appear with the title ''New VM''. There are five steps to be completed; click Forward after each step:
# '''Step 1 of 5:''' Enter the virtual machine (called Select '''centos1Local install media''') name and select click '''Local install mediaForward'''.# '''Step 2 of 5:''' Insert the DVD containing the Centos Live Disc image. Wait a moment for the disc to be recognized, then select Select '''Use CDROM or DVDISO Image''' as the install media. Set , click the ''OS type'Browse' to ''button, and then the 'Linux''Browse Local' and the ''Version'' button. Navigate to the location of the downloaded Centos7 LIVE CD image, select the image file and click '''Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Open''' (the CentOS6 equivalent). When finished, click Forward to proceed.# '''Step 3 of 5:''' Set the memory to '''768 2048 MB''' and the number of CPUs to '''1'''# [[Image:vm-path.png|thumb|right|300px|It is extremely important to '''correctly specify the VM image file path-name'''. Double-check the spelling of the path-name before proceeding!]]<ol><li value="7">'''Step 4 of 5:''' This next step creates a disk file that will be used to simulate the virtual machine's disk drive. Select a size of '''10 GB''' and checkmark the box labeled . Click on<br> '''Allocate entire disk nowSelect managed or other existing storage'''# '''Step 5 of 5and type the VM image file pathame:<br> ''' Review the options that you have selected/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos1. img'''Make a note of (make certain that the storage location.pathname is correct) and then click ''' If anything needs to be changed, use the 'Forward'Back'' button to go back and edit it; otherwise, click proceed.</li><li>'''FinishStep 5 of 5:''' {{Admon/important|Removing and Recreating VMs|If for some reason Enter the user wants to remove a Virtual Machine, they can right-click the VM, and select delete in the Virtual Machine Manager. It is recommended to virtual machine name: '''"delete the image file" in the remove VM dialog box when removing and then recreating a VMcentos1'''. Note: If you fail to properly remove Review the VM image fileinformation, it may affect the hard disk size for the new VM (i.e. use the old smaller size. Make certain to remove that VM image file prior to recreating the VM.|and click '''Finish'''}} .<br><br><ol/li> <li value="8">'''The virtual machine will now start'''- start timing your installation and making notes for '''centos1''' virtual machine in the installation comparison chart in lab2 logbook. The virtual machine is running from the live disc at this point, and no software has been installed on the ''hard drive'' of the virtual machine. The point of a live disk is to allow you to test the distribution to see whether you like it without installing to the harddrive hard-drive first.</li><li>Double-click '''Install to Hard Drive'''. The installation program, similar to the one used when installing CentOS in Lab 1, will appear. You basically perform the same installation operations for this VM including for '''Date & Time''', '''Network & Hostname''', and '''Installation Destination'''. Make certain to use the '''hostname''': '''<u>centos1</u>''' as opposed to ''c7host'') for this installation. (with a few slight differences).</li><li>For '''Installation Destination''', select the destination option: '''I will configure partitioning''' and then click '''Done'''. Make certain that the '''Partition Scheme''' is set to '''LVM''' and then click on the link: '''Click to Create Automatically'''. '''Done'''. Check to make certain that the root partition has file system type: '''ext4'''.</li><li>Accept the changes and then click '''Begin Installation'''.<ol type="a"><li>You will be required to make selections very similar to what you did in lab1.</li><li>While the system is installing, take a few minutes to record your observations (including slight differences with centos1 install as opposed to c7host install).</li><li>When the installation process is complete, note the time required to install this system and record in the installation comparison chart of your lab2 logbook.<br><br></li></ol></li><li>Power-off your Centos7 LIVE system.</li><li>You should notice that the Centos7 boot menu appears. Either press '''ENTER''' to start or wait for it to start automatically.</li><li>Finish the final steps in the setup process (like you did in lab1).</li><li>#You may want to turn off the screen-saver (like you did in Lab1): [ How to Turn-off Screen Saver (lab1)]</li></ol>{| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|colspan="2"|{{Admon/important|Network / Service Considerations|Please perform the tasks below in order allow these CentOS systems to be able to communicate with each other. '''Failure to properly perform these operations can cause problems in future labs'''.|}}|}
<li value="913">Click '''Install Enable SSH access to Hard Drive'''. The installation program, similar your virtual machine with these commands (semi-colon allows commands to the one used when installing CentOS be run in Lab sequence):<br /> <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1, will appear. You will get a warning at one point during 2em;">service sshd start; chkconfig sshd on</span></code></b></li> <li>Find out the installation process that IP address of your virtual machine and the disk name of your Ethernet network adaptor: <b><code><span style="May contain datacolor:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;" or >ifconfig</span></code></b> </li> <li>Enter the following command on your virtual machine to create a firewall exception to allow ssh traffic into the machine:<br /> <b><code><span style="may need to be recolor:#3366CC;font-initializedsize:1.2em;" >iptables -I INPUT - this is simply a warning p tcp -s0/0 -d0/0 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT</span></code></b></li><li>If you are logged in as root, logout to your regular user account.</li><li>Confirm that you can ssh to your virtual machine from the virtual disk host (your main CentOS installation): <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">ssh regularuserid@IPaddress</span></code></b> (where '''regularuserid''' is completely blankyour regular user login id, and it '''IPaddress''' is safe to proceed with the installation'''IP_ADDRESS''' of your '''centos1''' VM!).</li><li>Make certain to '''disable SELinux for centos1''' (refer to lab1)</li><li>Adjust your screen-saver settings and run a '''yum update''' on your centos1 VM before proceeding to ''Part 2''</li></ol>
{{Admon/note|Virtual Machine Screen Size|The virtual machine screen size will change resolution as it switches from text to graphics mode. Use the VM menu option View>Resize to VM to resize the window to show the entire VM display. If this is larger than your screen size, use View>Scale Display>Always to scale the image so it fits on your screen.
<li value="10">During the installation process, when prompted for a storage device, first select '''Specialized Storage Devices''', and then select the '''Virtio Block Device''' option.</li>
<li>When prompted for the hostname, enter '''centos1''', and when prompted for the timezone, select '''Toronto - Eastern Time Ontario'''</li>
<li>When asked about storage, select '''Use All Space'''. '''Use the default values for all other fields.''' Notice that the installer does not ask you what software should be installed; compare the installation time to the amount of time it took to do your Lab 2 installation. Record this information in the '''table contained in Investigation 4'''.</li>
<li>When the installation is complete, click on the '''reboot''' button at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.</li>
<li value="13">Start the VM from its disk image. This can be done graphically by selecting the Virual machine name, and then clicking on the '''Open''' button, and then click the '''play''' button when the next screen appears (or by selecting Virtual Machine>Run from the virtual machine menu). You will get the ''Firstboot'' configuration questions during the boot process (asking you to create a user, set the date and time, and ignore the kdump out-of-memory warning). Make certain that the VM has a network interface connection (i.e. look at network applet on the top panel). Create a user with the same name as your Matrix account.</li>
<li>Login using the new user account.</li>
{{Admon/note|Network / Service Considerations|Please perform the tasks below in order allow these CentOS systems to be able to communicate with each other. '''Failure to properly perform these operations can cause problems in future labs'''.|
<li value="15">Enable SSH access to your virtual machine with these commands (semi-colon allows commands to be run in sequence):<br /> <code>service sshd start; chkconfig sshd on</code></li>
<li>Find out the IP address of your virtual machine: <code>ifconfig eth0</code> </li>
<li>Enter the following command on your virtual machine to create a firewall exception to allow ssh traffic into the machine:<br /> <code>iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -s0/0 -d0/0 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT</code></li>
<li>Confirm that you can ssh to your virtual machine from the host (your main CentOS installation): <code>ssh ''IPaddress''</code></li>
'''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Investigation Part 2: Installing from the a Network =={| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|colspan="2"|{{Admon/tipimportant|Authenticate to the network|The rest of this lab uses network access.''' Be sure to authenticate to the network using your browser before proceeding'''.}}|}
=== Introduction ===:'''VM Details:'''
It is possible to install CentOS entirely from the network:: '''VM Name (and hostname):''' centos2:: '''Boot media:''' Network installation:: '''Installation source URL:''' http://belmont.senecac. In this investigation, you will install CentOS from a webserver on the '''VM Image Pathname:''' /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos2.img:: '''Memory:''' 2048MB:: '''Disk space:''' 20GB:: '''CPUs:''' 1
==== VM details ====
* # Create the VM (called '''Name:centos2''' centos2* ) as you did with the ''c7host''Boot mediamachine, except for the following differences:<br><br><ol type="a"><li>Select ''' Network installation* Installation'''Installation using the installation source:URL displayed above.</li><li>When customizing your partitions, do the same operation that you did in centos1, but after automatically creating the partitions, reduce the size of the root LVM partition to '''* 8000 MB'''Memory:and add an LVM partition with a size of ''' 1024MB* 2000 MB'''Disk space(mount point:''' 20GB* /home'''CPUs, name:''' 1 ==== Steps ====# Create the VM (called home'''centos2, and make certain root and /home partitions have ''') as you did with the ext4''centos1'file system).</li><li>Don' virtual machine, except select network installation using t forget to install the installation source url displayed above.GNOME desktop here as you will need a GUI for Centos2<br><br></li></ol># Observe Complete the boot processinstallation. How is it different from booting from an optical disc Login to your regular user account, and perform a yum update for the centos2 VM (DVDreboot if required)?# Start the installation process (make . Make certain to use information in the ''VM Details'' section above)adjust your screen-saver settings if desired.# When Repeat the steps as you get did to the disk partitioning step, select '''Use All Space''' and enable start the checkbox labelled SSH service'''Review and modify partition layout, '''. If an dialog box displays a permissions problem, then click yes to proceed. On the next screen, change the logical volumes as follows:#* Reduce the size of the root LV set iptables to accept connections via ssh'''8000 MB, '''.#* '''Add a <u>logical volume</u> with a size of 2000 MB test connections between centos2 and a mountpoint of /homec7host''' (you can name it whatever you want, and use '''ext4disable SELinux''' as the file-system type(refer to lab1).# On the software selection screen, select '''Desktop'''.# Complete the installation. Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations.Record this information your findings in the '''table contained Installation Comparison chart in Investigation 4'''lab2 logbook.
'''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Investigation Part 3: Installing from the a Network using a Kickstart File == === Introduction === When CentOS is installed using the techniques you have used so far, the user is asked a number of questions. In some situations, it is better to provide the answers to these questions in a file rather than answer them individually. This type of file is called a ''kickstart'' file.
In this investigation, a kickstart file is provided for you. You can also create or modify a kickstart file using a regular text editor or a graphical tool.:'''VM Details:'''
==== :: '''VM details ====Name (and hostname):''' centos3:: '''Boot media:''' Network installation:: '''Installation source URL:''' '''Kickstart File URL:''' '''VM Image Pathname:''' /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos3.img:: '''Memory:''' 2048MB:: '''Disk space:''' 15GB:: '''CPUs:''' 1
* '''Name:''' centos3
* '''Boot media:''' Network installation
* '''Installation source:'''
* '''Kickstart location:'''
* '''Memory:''' 1024MB
* '''Disk space:''' 15GB
* '''CPUs:''' 1
==== Steps ====
# Create the VM as you did with the ''centos2'' virtual machine, specifying a network install as before, but specify the kickstart location under the "options section" for network install. What do you think is the purpose of this kickstart file?
# Observe the installation. How is it different from booting from an optical disca downloaded image?# Complete the installation. Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations.<br><br>If the during the installation, you see the message at the bottom '''Pane is Dead''', click the '''Virtual Machine''' menu at the top, select '''Shut Down''' -> '''Force Off''', '''right-click''' on '''centos3''' in the ''virtual manager'' window and select '''Delete'''. Redo the VM setup for a new instance of the ''centos3'' VM.
# What happens when the installation is finished?
# Take a look at the kickstart file (eg. view url in a webj-browser) to determine the root password as well as the name and password for the first user account.!
# Boot the virtual machine and log in (use the user ID and password information from the previous step). Compare the experience to the first time you booted the other virtual machines. Record this information in the '''table contained in Investigation 4'''.
# Repeat the steps as you did to '''start the SSH service''', '''set iptables to accept connections via ssh''', '''test connections between centos3 and c7host''', and '''disable SELinux''' (refer to lab1).
# Remember that centos3 is text-based interface only (no graphics). To recover from a blank screen, press a key (like the SPACE key) to return to the screen display.
# Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations. Record your findings in the Installation Comparison chart in lab2 logbook.
'''Answer =INVESTIGATION 2: MANAGING VIRTUAL MACHINES=== Part 1: Managing Virtual Machines from the Investigation 3 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''Command Line ==
== Investigation 4: Updating the VMs ==
{| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|colspan="2"|{{Admon/importantnote|Manage virtual machines from the host|The commands used to manage virtual machines must be executed on the host (your disk pack) and not inside a virtual machine.}}|Check that }# Start the '''centos1''' virtual machine, and stop the '''centos2''' and '''centos3''' virtual machines.# Switch to the '''c7host''' machine, and open a shell terminal.# Enter these admin commands into your graphical VMs '''c7host''' machine and note the result::: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh list</span></code></b>:: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh list --all</span></code></b>:: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh list --inactive</span></code></b>{| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|colspan="2"|{{Admon/note|Virtual Machine Does not Shutdown from Command|If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the <code>virsh shutdown</code> command, then you can go to the '''Virtual Machine manager''' and '''halt''' or '''shutdown''' within the VM itself, then you can click the '''PowerOff''' button in the VM window. You'll want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are connected equivalent to Networkyanking the power cord out of the wall on a physical machine!|}}|It is recommended when starting a graphical }<ol><li value="4">Now, shut-down your centos1 VMnormally, and close the centos1 VM window.</li><li>Switch to your terminal and issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh start centos1</span></code></b></li><li>Using the appropriate command check the network icon to see if your centos1 VM is now running.</li><li>There are other commands that can be used (such as '''suspend''', or '''shutdown'''). The "shutdown" command may not always work since it relies on the system is connectedguest handling a particular ACPI event. If Why do you think it is NOT connecteduseful to have commands to manipulate VMs?</li><li>Since this is a text-based version of Linux, select auto ethyou do not need to turn off the screen-saver.}}</li></ol>
# In each VM, run this command: <code>yum update<'''Answer all observations /code># Record the answers to these questions in your lab log book:#* How long did it take to run on each VM? How many packages were updated?#* Why does it take longer in some VMs than others?.'''
== Part 2: Backing Up Virtual Machines ==
{{Admon/caution|Never Shutdown Computer During Upgrade|Your computer (host, vms) are at their most vulnerable when you perform an update. Always plan ahead for appropriate time prior to performing an update. Shutting down your computer while performing an update may cause your computer not to boot! You have been warned!!!}}
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|colspan="2"|{{Admon/important|Backing up VMs|There are two general processes in order to back up your images:<ol><li>'''Compressing your images''' (also recommended to backup up to external storage USB Key) using the '''gzip''' command.</li><li>'''Backup the VM xml configuration file''' (preferably to USB key) using '''virsh''' shell command to add VM to virtual machine manager list (in the event that the HOST machine is "wiped" and re-installed, but VM images and xml configuration files have been backed up external storage).</li></ol><br />Taking the time to backup the image of the Operating System's file system allows the user to return to a '''"restoration point"''' using the '''gunzip''' command in case something bad occurs to the OS during a lab.<br />Failure to take the time to make and confirm backups can result in loss of lab work for the student!|}}
# Shut down all of the virtual machines.
# Change to the directory <b><code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code></b>. Note the size of the files in this directory. What do these files contain?
# Make a compressed backup of the '''centos3.img''' file to your home directory with this command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">gzip < centos3.img > ~YourUserId/centos3.img.backup.gz</span></code></b><br />(Note: Make certain to use the redirection signs "<" and ">" properly in the command!)
# Compare the size of the compressed and original files (hint: use '''ls -lh'''). If file is very large (like 15GB), you didn't compress it and you need to remove that file and perform the previous step until you get it right!
# Start the '''''centos3''''' VM.
# '''Make certain that you are in your VM and <u>not</u> in your main system!'''
# Wreck <u>only</u> your centos3 system! Try this command inside the centos3 virtual machine:<b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">rm -rf /*</span></code></b> (ignore error messages).
# Shut down the centos3 VM. If you tried to start the centos3 VM, it would not boot since all system files have been removed!
# Restore the original image from the backup in your home directory by typing this command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">gunzip < ~YourUserId/centos3.img.backup.gz > centos3.img'''</span></code></b>
# Restart the VM. Is it working normally?
# Create compressed backups of your other virtual machines (ie. '''centos1''' and '''centos2''').
# You should make a copy of the xml configuration file in case you "wipe" and re-install the host machine, and want to add a restored VM backups to the virtual machine manager list. We will demonstrate using the centos3 xml configuration file, and prove that a "clone" can be added to your list.Please perform the following step:
# Execute the following command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh dumpxml centos3 > centos3.xml</span></code></b>
# Examine the file <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">centos3.xml</span></code></b>. What does it contain? What format is it in?<br><br>
# We will now learn how to download a compressed image file and xml configuration file and add it as a VM to the virtual manager menu.
# Issue the following commands:<ul><li><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b></li><li><b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b><br><br></li></ul>
<ol><li value="17">Copy these files to the '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' directory and decompress the image</li><li>Make certain your present working directory is: '''/var/lib/libvirt/images'''</li><li>Issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">virsh define practical1.xml</span></code></b></li><li>What happened in the virtual manager window? To remove a VM entry in the Virtual Manager window, simply issue the command: '''virsh undefine vm_name''' (without the '''.xml''' file extension)</li><li> Launch the VM to see if it boots-up</li><li>Can you log into this VM? Perhaps your instructor will give you a clue in week #7... >;p<br><br></li></ol>
{| width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"
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|colspan="2"|{{Admon/tip|Shutting Down the Host while Virtual Machines are Running|If you shut down your host system while virtual machines are running, they will be suspended, and will resume the next time you boot your host system.}}
<li value="22">For the remainder of these labs, it is assumed that you will backup <u>'''both'''</u> the images and xml configuration files for <u>'''all'''</u> Virtual machines, when asked to backup your virtual machines. It is also highly recommended to backup these files to an external storage device (eg. USB key) in case the host machine gets "wiped" and you need to rebuild your HOST machine and then restore your Virtual Machines...</li>
<li>Answer this question in your log book:</li>
::* In order to fully back up a virtual machine, what information should be saved in addition to the virtual machine image?
<ol><li value="24">A previous OPS235 student graciously created a shell script that you can download and run to check to see how you performed this lab (to see if you are on the right track).<br>Simply issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b> and run on your '''c7host machine'''.<br><br>'''If the shell script indicates any major errors, please inform your OPS235 instructor or lab assistant to advise what to do'''.<br><br></li></ol>
'''Answer the Investigation observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Investigation 5INVESTIGATION 3: Managing Virtual Machines from the Command Line =LOOKING AHEAD =
==Part 1: Automating Routine Tasks (Shell Scripting)=={|width="40%" align="right" cellpadding="10"|- valign="top"|{{Admon/notetip|Bash Shell Scripting Tips:|Manage virtual machines <br><ul><li>'''Data Input:'''<br><br>A shell script can obtain data from a number of methods: '''reading input files''', using '''arguments when issuing command''' (positional parameters), or '''prompting for data to store in a variable'''. The later method can be accomplished by using the host|The '''read''' command, for example: '''read -p "Enter your name: " userName'''.<br><br></li><li>'''Mathematical Expressions:'''<br><br>In shell scripting, data is stored in variable as text, not other data types (ints, floats, chars, etc) like in compiled programs like C or Java. In order to have a shell script perform '''mathematical operations''', number or variable need to be surrounded by two sets of parenthesis '''((..))''' in order to convert a number stored as text to a binary number.<br><br><u>'''Examples'''</u><br><br>''var1&#61;5;var2&#61;10''<br>''echo "$var1 + $var2 &#61; $((var1+var2))"''<br><br>'''Note:''' shell does not perform floating point calculations (like '''5/10'''). Instead, other commands like '''awk''' or '''bc''' would be required for floating point calculations (decimals)<br><br></li><li>'''Loops (iteration):'''<br><br>Loops and logic are a very important elements of shell scripting (not to mention programming as well). Determinant loops (such as '''for''' loops) usually repeat for a preset number of times (eg. counts, positional parameters stored). In-determinant loops (such as '''while''' or '''until''' loops) may repeat based on unknown conditions (like waiting for user to enter correct data). Test conditions can be used with in-determinant loops, or even commands ! If a command runs successfully (eg ls, cd, grep matching a pattern), zero (true) value is returned, otherwise a non-zero (false) value is returned. Command options or redirection to /'''dev/null''' can be used to manage virtual machines must just test if command runs, but not display stdout or stderr. Conditional statements "and" (&amp;&amp;) / "or" (&#124;&#124;) can also be executed on the host used when testing multiple conditions.<br><br>'''<u>Examples (try in a shell script)</u>'''<br><br>''set ops235 is fun''<br>''for x''<br>''do''<br>&nbsp;''echo "argument is $x"''<br>''done''<br><br>''for x in $(your disk packls) ''<br>''do''<br> &nbsp;''echo "Filename: $x"''<br>''done''<br><br>''read -p "enter a whole number: " num''<br>''until echo $num &#124; grep -q "^[0-9][0-9]*$"''<br>''do''<br> &nbsp;''read -p "Incorrect. Please enter WHOLE NUMBER: " num''<br>''done''<br><br>''read -p "pick a number between 1 and not inside a virtual machine10: " num''<br>''while [ $num -lt 1 ] &#124;&#124; [ $num -gt 10 ]<br>''do''<br> &nbsp;''read -p "Incorrect.Please pick number between 1 and 10: " num''<br>''done''<br><br></li></ul>}}|}
# Start You will continue our use of Bash Shell scripting by first creating a Bash Shell script that will allow the Linux sysadmin to select their created VMs for backup to root''centos1'' virtual machine, and stop the ''centos2'' and ''centos3'' virtual machiness home directory.# Switch to the c6host machineAfterwards you will download, view and open run a shell terminal.# Enter these commands into your c6host machine and note couple Bash Shell scripts that use the result:#* <code>'''virsh list'''</code>#* <code>'''virsh list --all'''</code>#* <code>'''virsh list --inactive'''</code># Now, shut-down your centos1 VM normally, and close the centos1 VM window.# Switch command to your terminal start and issue the command: <code>'''virsh start centos1'''</code># Using the appropriate command check to see if stop your centos1 VM is now runningvirtual machines.# There are other commands that can be used (such as suspend, or shutdown). The "shutdown" command may not always work since it relies on the guest handling a particular ACPI event. Why do you think it is useful to have commands to manipulate VMs?
{{Admon/note|Virtual Machine Does not Shutdown from Command|If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the you require <codeu>virsh shutdown</code> command, then you can go to the '''Virtual Machine manageradditional practice''' </u> in creating shell scripts using logic, loops and mathematical operations, run the commands in your '''haltMatrix''' or account: <ul><li>'''shutdown/home/murray.saul/scripting-2''' within the VM itself, then you can click the </li><li>'''PowerOff/home/murray.saul/scripting-3''' button in the VM window. You'll want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are equivalent to yanking the power cord out of the wall on a physical machine!|}}</li></ul>
'''Answer Perform the Investigation 5 observations / questions following steps in your lab log book.'''c7host machine:
# Open a Bash shell terminal and login as root.# Use a text editor (such as <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">vi</span></code></b> or <b><code><span style= Investigation 6"color: How do I backup #3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">nano</span></code></b>) to create a virtual machine? Bash Shell script called: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">backupVM.bash</span></code></b> in /root's home directory.# Enter the following text content into your text-editing session:<code style="color:#3366CC;font-family:courier;font-size:.9em;margin-left:20px;"><br>&#35;!/bin/bash
{{Admon/important|Backing up VMs|There are two general processes in order to back up your images:<ol><li>'''Compressing your images''' (also recommended to backup up to external storage USB Key) using the '''gzip''' command.</li><li>'''Backup the VM xml configuration file''' (preferably to USB key) using '''virsh''' shell command to add VM to virtual machine manager list (in the event that the HOST machine is "wiped" and re-installed, but VM images and xml configuration files have been backed up external storage).</li></ol><br />Taking the time to backup the image of the Operating System's file system allows the user to return to a '''"restoration point"''' using the '''gunzip''' command in case something bad occurs to the OS during a lab.<br />Failure to take the time to make and confirm backups can result in loss of lab work for the student!|}}
&# Shut down all of the virtual machines35; backupVM.# Change to the directory bash<codebr>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>. Note the size of the files in this directory. What do these files contain?&# Make a compressed backup of the <code>centos3.img</code> file to your home directory with this command35; Purpose: <code>'''gzip < centos3.img > ~YourUserId/centos3.img.backup.gz'''</code>Creates system info report<br />(Note: Make certain to use the redirection signs "<" and ">" properly in the command!){{Admon/caution| Make sure the backup is successful!|If there are any error messages, '''DO NOT''' proceed past this point. You're going to destroy your centos3 virtual machine and restore it using the backup you have created -- if there are any problems with the backup, you will not have a working virtual machine, and will have to re-install it.}}&#35;<olbr> <li value="4">Compare the size of the compressed and original files&#35; USAGE: .</li> <li>Start the '''''centos3''''' VMreport.bash</libr> &#35;<li>'''Make certain that you are in your VM and <u>not</u> in your main system!'''</libr> <li>Wreck <u>only</u> your centos3 system! Try this command inside the centos3 virtual machine&#35; Author: <code>'''rm -rf /*'''** INSERT YOUR NAME ***</code></libr> <li>Shut down the VM. If you tried to start the centos3 VM, it would not boot since all system files have been removed!</li> <li>Restore the original image from the backup in your home directory by typing this command&#35; Date: <code>'''gunzip < ~YourUserId/centos3.img.backup.gz > centos3.img'''</code></li> <li>Restart the VM. Is it working normally?</li> <li>Create compressed backups of your other virtual machines.</li></ol><ol><li value="12">You should make a copy of the xml configuration file in case you "wipe" and re-install the host machine, and want to add a restored VM backups to the virtual machine manager list. We will demonstrate using the centos3 xml configuration file, and prove that a "clone" can be added to your list.Please perform the following step:<ol type="a"> <li>Execute the following command: <code>virsh dumpxml centos3 >centos3.xml</code></li> <li>Examine the file <code>centos3.xml</code>. What does it contain? What format is it in?</li> <li>Make a copy of <code>centos3.xml</code> called <code>centos3a.xml</code>.</li> <li>Edit the file <code>centos3a.xml</code>, making the following changes:</li></ol>::* Change the name (in the file, not the file name) to <code>centos3a</code>::* Change at least one of the hexadecimal characters in the UUID. Do not change the length of the UUID. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9 and a-f.* CURRENT DATE ***<ol type="a" > <li value="6">Issue this command: <code>virsh define centos3a.xml</code> <li>Issue the command <code>virsh list --all</code> and record any changes. <li>Issue the command: <code>virsh undefine centos3a</code> <li>List all of the virtual machines again, and note any changes. </li></ol> <li>For the remainder of these labs, it is assumed that you will backup <u>'''both'''</u> the images and xml configuration files for <u>'''all'''</u> Virtual machines, when asked to backup your virtual machines. It is also highly recommended to backup these files to an external storage device (eg. USB key) in case the host machine gets "wiped" and you need to rebuild your HOST machine and then restore your Virtual Machines...</li><li>Answer this question in your log book:</li></ol>::* In order to fully back up a virtual machine, what information should be saved in addition to the virtual machine image?
{{Admonif [ $PWD != "/root" ] # only runs if in root's directory<br>then<br>&nbsp;echo "You must be located in /root" >&2<br>&nbsp;exit 1<br>fi</code><br><ol><li value="4">Save your editing session, but remain in the text editor.</important|Backing up li><li>This shell script is designed particularly for your centos1, centos2, and centos3 VMS.</li><li>The code displayed below will prompt the user if they wish for all VMs|It is essential to back be backed-up your VMs at ; otherwise, allow the user the end option of each lab, so you can easily restore them if something goes wrong in specifying which VMs to be backed-up. Add the next labfollowing code</li></ol><br><code style="color:#3366CC;font-family:courier;font-size:.}}9em;">
{{Admon/tipread -p "Backup all VMs? (y|Shutting Down the Host while Virtual Machines are Running|If you shut down your host system while virtual machines are running, they will n):" answer # prompt if all VMs to be suspended, and will resume the next time you boot your host system.}}backed-up
'''Answer the Investigation 6 observations if [ "$answer" = "y" ] # Backup all VMs if answer is yes<br>then<br>&nbsp;for num in 1 2 3 # Determinant loop for 3 arguments: 1, 2, and 3<br>&nbsp;do<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;echo "Backing up VM #$num"<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;gzip < /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos$num.img > /root/centos$num.img.backup.gz<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;echo "VM #$num BACKUP DONE"<br>&nbsp;done<br><br>elif [ "$answer" = "n" ]<br>then<br>&nbsp;read -p "Which VM should be backed up? (1/2/3): " numanswer<br>&nbsp;until echo $numanswer | grep "^[123]$" >> /dev/null # Look for match of single digit: 1,2, or 3<br>&nbsp;do<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;read -p "Invalid Selection. Select 1, 2, or 3: " numanswer<br>&nbsp;done<br>&nbsp;echo "Backing up VM #$numanswer"<br>&nbsp;gzip < /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos$numanswer.img > / questions in your lab log bookroot/centos$numanswer.img.backup.gz<br><br>&nbsp;echo "VM #$numanswer BACKUP DONE":<br>else<br>&nbsp;echo "Invalid Selection...'''Aborting program"<br>&nbsp;exit 2<br>fi
== Investigation 7: Kickstart Files ==</code>
Even when you perform a non-Kickstart installation, the installation program creates a Kickstart file in the <code>/root</code> directory for reference.
# Obtain the kickstart files for all four of your installations (your disk pack ''c6host'', plus the ''centos1'', ''centos2'', and ''centos3'' virtual machines).
# To prevent confusion, copy your kickstart files to kickstart filenames that describe their purpose (eg. kickstart_host, kickstart_centos1, kickstart_centos2, etc...)
# Copy them all to your c6host system (tip: use <code>scp</code>, webmail, or command-line mail. Refer to the manpages for help).
# Compare these files. What are the differences? Similarities? (Tip: you may want to use tools such as <code>sdiff</code> to help with the comparison).
# How could you use the kickstart file produced by the installation program to perform additional, identical installations?
<ol><li value="7">Save, set permissions, and then run that shell script to backup centos1. Confirm that this script did backup this image to root's home directory</li><li>Use the <b><code>wget</code></b> command to download, study, and run the following shell scripts on-line:<blockquote><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;"><br></span></code></b><br><b><code><span style=" pointer-events:none;cursor:default;color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;"><br></span></code></b></blockquote></li><li>Try to understand what these Bash Shell scripts do.</li><li>You have completed lab2. Proceed to Completing The Lab, and follow the instructions for "lab sign-off".</li></ol>'''Answer the Investigation 7 all observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
= Completing the Lab LAB 2 SIGN-OFF (SHOW INSTRUCTOR) ={{Admon/important|Time for a new backup!|If you have successfully completed this lab, make a new backup of your virtual machines as well as your host machine.}}
'''Arrange evidence for each proof of these items the following on your the screen, then ask your instructor to review them and sign off on the lab's completion:'''
<ol><li><span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&# Three working x2713;</span> '''<u>All</u> VMs''':<blockquote><ul><li>Working virtual machines '''created.# ''' and '''running'''</li><li>'''Disk layout ''' and '''size ''' correct on all virtual machines# Use virsh to list the status </li><li> Proof of all vms.# Four kickstart files.# All virtual machines fully updated.# '''yum updates'''</li><li>'''All virtual machines backed -up to a ''' (eg. usb stickand/or home directory)</li></ul></blockquote></li><li><span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&# Installation comparison table filled x2713;</span>'''c7host''' machine:<blockquote><ul><li>'''Correct VM image filenames''' contained in'''/var/lib/libvirt/images directory'''</li><li>Creation of your bash shell script called '''backupVM.# Lab Logbook bash'''</li><li>A list of your '''iptables''' rules (lab2command: '''iptables -L''') notes filled</li></ul></blockquote></li><li><span style="color:green;font-insize:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Lab2 logbook notes and '''Installation Comparison chart''' completed</li></ol>
= Preparing for = Practice For Quizzes , Tests, Midterm &amp; Final Exam ==
# What is the name of the CentOS installation program?
# Which factors recorded in your table (above) were due to What is the type name of the file created by the CentOS installation performed, and which factors were due to the amount of software installedprogram?
# Which type of installation works best for confirming compatibility with hardware before installation? Why?
# Which type of installation works best for installing large numbers of computers? Why?
# What factors affect installation time?
# How can you reduce the number of software updates required immediately after installation?
# Why would you enable additional repositories during installation?
# What does the file <code>/root/anaconda-ks.cfg</code> contain, and how is it created?
# How do you start and stop virtual machines?
# How do you SSH into your virtual machines?
# What is the purpose of procedure to backup your VM images (and relationship between these pieces of softwareXML config files) to your USB key?#* libvirt#* libvirtd#* virsh#* virt-manager#* virt-install#* kvm
# The kickstart installation (centos3) was a network installation. Can a kickstart file be used with a DVD installation?
# The kickstart installation (centos3) was fairly fast. Why? Under what circumstances would it take a long time, even on a fast network?
# What other types of installation sources are possible (besides Live Disc, Installation Disc, and Network?)
[[Category:OPS235 Labs]]