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Working with Android Studio

486 bytes added, 22:10, 21 March 2015
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#The Ctrl + D key binding is great for quickly duplicating code lines or fragments. Simply select the desired line or fragment and enter this key binding. (Norbert Curiciac 3/19/2015)
#cmd+shift+e - Same as the above but listing only files that have been edited. (Tai Nguyen 3/19/2015)
#To show line numbers on XML files in android studio, click the grey bar at the top right of the screen (2013) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/21/2015: XML line number view)
== Week 11 (March 22 - 28)==
#To see the call hierarchy for a method enter the shortcut CTRL + ALT + H (2014) [] (Elsi Nushaj 3/22/2015: See call hierarchy)