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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7

403 bytes removed, 09:50, 21 March 2015
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{{Admon/tip|Access Linux File System Types|Similar to Instructions for Lab1|Since you will performing a full install on your computerother Operating Systems, you cannot use that computer it is good to know basic characteristics of file system types in Linux to simultaneously view instructions while you perform select the full installbest type for your machine. Here are some suggestions to make this process easier:<ul> <litable><tr><th>'''Printout Lab1 instructions''' at home prior to performing Lab1xfs</lith> <litd>'''Use a smart-phone, notebook, or netbook computer to view lab instructions''' Fast transfer rates on large files (highly recommendedwith Journaling)</litd><li/tr>If lab space availability is not an issue, '''use another computer termimal to view lab instructions''' while performing install</li><litable>'''Follow step-by-step instructions from your OPS235 instructor''' (if demonstrated by instructor)</li></ul>|