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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7

9 bytes added, 12:41, 18 March 2015
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==Purpose / Objectives of Lab 1==
: You need to install a Linux OS to be a host or "platform" to install and use other Linux VMs (Virtual Machines) during this course. It is important to have a correctly installed host from the installation procecure; otherwise, you may experience problems when performing future labs throughout this course.The main objectives for this lab include:
: Main Objectives:* Correctly install the CentOS 7 FULL INSTALL DVD (not LIVE DVD) on your removable hard disk.
::* Correctly install the Record installation characteristics of CentOS 7 FULL INSTALL DVD in a chart (not LIVE DVDcontained in lab2 logbook chart) on your removable hard diskto compare with other installation methods performed in lab2.
::* Verify correct settings prior and making necessary corrections prior to proceeding with host installation.
::* After performing the CentOS DVD installation, you will collect baseline Obtain Linux server information about your system, and perform some post after installation configuration to prepare your system create a software asset report for the remainder of the labslater access==Objectives==
# Perform a GNU/::* "Turn-off" Linux installation using the CentOS 6.6 distribution# Investigate information during and after the CentOS 6.6 installation# Perform an update after Kernel security enhancements to allow easier internal networking connections (to be reactivated in a recent installationlater lab)
== Minimum Required Materials (Bring to All Labs) ==
* CentOS 6.5 x86_64 Live DVD