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OPS235 Short-Term

254 bytes added, 11:21, 13 February 2015
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::#'''Lab 2 Chart in Lab Logbook'''. Create an empty chart in lab2 logbook, so students can simply fill in the chart.<br><br>
::#'''Virtual Machine Package Installation'''. The installation process for the KVM/QEMU packages should be clarified to include instructions on when to use groupinstall and when to use install. Also, I have noticed in past semesters as well as the current one that KVM/QEMU will randomly go missing, causing issues with VM installation as well as VM networking. Uninstalling and then reinstalling the virtualization packages has often solved the problem, though not 100% of the time. We should look into this problem and maybe redo the VM package installation section altogether.<br><br>
::#'''Improve or removal of rpm comparison chart in lab3'''. Filling out rpm chart to learn query-option and select-option is traditionally confusing for students and is recommended by a number of OPS235 profs to improve or most likely remove from lab3.
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