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AAA Adrina Arsa Andriy

590 bytes added, 13:26, 4 December 2014
Assignment 3
[[Image:Nvidia Occupancy Calculator on Code.jpg|thumb|800px|center]]
In the previous version we dynamically found the number of threads per block, we could not dynamically use the information in this version due to the fact that shared memory was used. On the school lab computers the NBPT was 1024.
'''Real World Application'''
To make the application more "real world" friendly, we were able to make test data load form a large dictionary file. This makes it so you can search for real words instead of gibberish.
'''What Would We Do Different?'''
We would have spent more time on our A1s. When we picked out A1 programs we tried to find programs that were cool, and had unique uses. We profiled the programs without taking an in depth look at the code base, and when it came to picking a topic for A2, we were stuck with only one program, since the other two were much too complex.