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Winter 2015 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

139 bytes removed, 02:21, 2 December 2014
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|9||Mar 16||[[#Tuesday (Mar 17)|Group hack session - baseline Baseline builds, benchmarks, and profilingbenchmarking]]||[[#Thursday (Mar 19)|Group hack session - baseline builds, benchmarks, and profilingCompiler Optimizations]]||[[#Week 9 Deliverables|Blog about your baseline data.]]
|10||Mar 23||[[#Tuesday (Mar 24)|Working with the CodeOptimization Lab]]||[[#Thursday (Mar 26)|Group hack session Hack - Profiling: Finding the Pain Points]]||[[#Week 8 Deliverables|Blog about the pain points in your progresssoftware.]]
|11||Mar 30||[[#Tuesday (Mar 31)|Profiling reviewProject Presentations - Stage 2]]||[[#Thursday (Apr 2)|Group hack sessionHack - Optimization]]||[[#Week 9 Deliverables|Post baseline stats for Blog about your project progress - this will be used to assign your software2nd Project Marks.]]
|12||Apr 6||[[#Tuesday (Apr 7)|PresentationsUpstreaming]]||[[#Thursday (Apr 9)|AArch64 on x86_64 / Discussion & Hack sessionSession]]||[[#Week 10 Deliverables|Blog about your project status - 1st project marksprogress.]]
|13||Apr 13||[[#Tuesday (Apr 14)|Discussion and hack session]]||[[#Thursday (Apr 16)|Discussion and hack session: Commercial vs. Technical RealityWrap-up Session]]||[[#Week 11 Deliverables|Upstream your work and blog about it]]
|XX||Nov 24||[[#Tuesday (Nov 25)|Project Update Presentations]]||[[#Friday (Nov 28)|Discussion and hack session]]||[[#Week 12 Deliverables|Blog about your project status - 2nd project marks.]]
|XX||Dec 1||[[#Tuesday (Dec 2)|Discussion and Hack Session]]||[[#Friday (Dec 5)|Discussion and Hack Session]]||Code accepted upstream. Blog about it!
|-style="background: #f0f0ff"
|Exam Week||Apr 20||colspan="3" align="center"|Exam Week - No exam in this course!
!Category!!Percentage!!Evaluation Dates
|Communication||align="right"|20%||<strike>September 30</strike>January 31, <strike>October 31</strike>February 28, November 21March 27, December 10April 22
|Quizzes||align="right"|10%||May be held during any class, usually at the start of class. A minimum of 5 one-page quizzes will be given. No make-up/retake option is offered if you miss a quiz. Lowest 3 scores will not be counted.
|Labs||align="right"|10%||See deliverables column above.
|Project work||align="right"|60%||<strike>November 11</strike> March 13 (15%), November 25 April 3 (20%), December 10 April 22 (25%)
== Week 1 ==
 === Friday Tuesday (Sep 5Jan 13) ===
==== Introduction to the Problem ====
==== Discussion of how open source communities work ====
(* Background for the [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1). === Thursday (Jan 15) === * [[Computer Architecture]] overview (see also the [[:Category:Computer Architecture|Computer Architecture Category]] which is homework due Week 2).
=== Week 1 Deliverables ===
== Week 2 ==
=== Tuesday (Sep 9Jan 20) === * {{Admon/tip|Bring Your Laptop|Classes are held in a [[Computer ArchitectureActive Learning Classroom]] overview . If you have a laptop or other device with a VGA or HDMI output (see also such as a smartphone!) please bring it. You'll need either a local linux environment or an SSH client -- which is built-in to Linux, Mac, and Chromebook systems, and readily available for Windows, Android, and iOS devices.}}* Perform the [[:Category:Computer ArchitectureSPO600 Compiled C Lab|Computer Architecture CategoryCompiled C Lab (Lab 2)]])in groups.
=== Friday Thursday (Sep 12Jan 22) ==={{Admon/tip|Bring Your Laptop|Classes are held in a [[Active Learning Classroom]]. If you have a laptop or other device with a VGA or HDMI output (such as a smartphone!) please bring it. You'll need either a local linux environment or an SSH client -- which is built-in to Linux, Mac, and Chromebook systems, and readily available for Windows, Android, and iOS devices.}}* Perform the [[Winter 2015 SPO600 Compiled C LabAssembly Language Presentation|Compiled C Lab (Lab 2)Select and prepare to teach the class about a specific small topic related to assembly language / machine language programming]] in groups.
=== Week 2 Deliverables ===
* Complete and blog your conclusion to the [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1)]].
* Blog your conclusion to the [[SPO600_Compiled_C_Lab|Compiled C Lab (Lab 2)]].* Be prepared to give your [[Winter 2015 SPO600 Assembly Language Presentation|presentation]] on Tuesday of next week. <!--
== Week 3 ==
* Wrap-up session
* '''Remember: Final project submissions via blog are due 11:59 pm December 10.'''