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FSOSS 2014 Speakers FAQ

2,663 bytes added, 13:38, 6 October 2014
Created page with 'This page answers a number of questions frequently asked by FSOSS speakers. == Registration == '''Do I need to register separately for FSOSS?''' * You are automatically registe…'
This page answers a number of questions frequently asked by FSOSS speakers.

== Registration ==

'''Do I need to register separately for FSOSS?'''
* You are automatically registered for the conference for both days, including lunches, the speakers' dinner, and the closing reception. Please attend as much of the conference as you are able!

== Presentations ==

'''How long should my presentation be?'''
* Presentations are 50 minutes long. You are encouraged to reserve 10-25 minutes at the end of your talk for a Q&A.

'''What form should my presentation materials be in?'''
* Each presentation room has a projector with VGA and HDMI input for connection to a laptop (presenters using devices with unusual connectors, such as Macs, smartphones, or tablets need to bring appropriate adapters), so you are welcome to bring your own device.
* In addition, each room has a dual-boot (Linux/Windows) PC with OpenOffice/LibreOffice, Microsoft Office, web browsers, and PDF viewers installed, so you can make your presentation from a USB stick or web site.
* A whiteboard and markers are available for Q&A sessions.
* Wireless network access will be provided throughout the conference.

'''Will my presentation be recorded?'''
* Presentations will be video recorded and posted online. You will be asked to sign a video release at the event. If you have any concerns about this, please contact us in advance to discuss your needs.

== Getting to FSOSS ==

'''What is the best way to get to Seneca@York for FSOSS?'''
* You can drive, take TTC, GO Transit, VIVA/YRT, or Brampton Transit.
* See for a Google map.
* Parking is available. Please contact us in advance for parking voucher arrangements.

== Promoting Your Talk and FSOSS 2014 ==

'''How can I promote my talk?'''
* Talk titles, descriptions, bio paragraphs, and photos are important in attracting attendees to your talk. Please review this information on the FSOSS web site, and if you wish to make any changes, please contact Emily Koon by October 10.
* Please tweet/blog/face/plus about your talk as you see fit.
* Follow @FSOSS on Twitter, and retweet any posts that catch your eye (we're tweeting daily about talks, including yours!).

== Speaker's Dinner ==

'''How do I RSVP/register for the speaker's dinner?'''
* Please RSVP for speakers' dinner by replying to the invite directly to Daman Panesar.

'''Can you accommodate my dietary restrictions for the dinner?'''
* Probably! Please discuss your restrictions with Daman.

== None of the Above! ==

'''I have a question not listed here! What do I do?'''
* Please email with your question.