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8 bytes added, 19:29, 30 August 2014
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|<div style="background:#ffff00">[[Fall 2014 SPO600 Weekly Schedule|Weekly Schedule]]</div>[[Fall 2014 SPO600 Participants|Participants and Project Table]]<br />[ Course Outline]<br />[[SPO600 Course Policies|Course Policies]]<br />[ Linaro]<br />[ Planet CDOT]<br />
{{Admon/tip|Who can take this course?|This course is open to both '''CTY''' (system and network administration) and '''CPA''' (software development) students. Each group brings unique but overlapping skills: CTY students have a strong understanding of operating systems and administrative procedures, and CPA students have a strong understanding of programming. This course provides a range of project opportunities requiring different combinations of skills from each program of study.}}
{{Admon/note|Questions about SPO600?|Please contact Professor [[User:Chris Tyler|Chris Tyler]] (via email at []).}}
= Software Portability and Optimization =