→Part 2: Templated Linked List: Updated ListNode<T>
==== Public Functions ====
; Constructor: Accepts two arguments.;* '''Important'''. Const T val() constreference to initialize node's value. Defaults to a default constructed T.;* Pointer to next node in the list. Defaults to NULL.; Copy Constructor: Val getter. Returns Initializes internal value as a copy of the source's internal value internally held. Sets this object's next pointer to NULL.; void val(const T&)Standard Assignment Operator: Val setterAssigns source's internal value to the current object's internal value. Sets this object's next pointer to NULL. Does not alter the internally held value object in the case of self-assignment. Returns a reference to the incoming valuecurrent object.
; ListNode<val: Val getter. Const function. Does not accept parameters. Returns internal value.; val: Val setter. '''Important'''. Receives a const T>* reference. Sets internal value to received reference. Does not return anything. ; next() const: Next getter. Const function. Does not accept parameters. Returns the internally held pointer to next pointernode.
=== Class: List<T>, Files [list.h], Test: 1 ===