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GAM532/DPS932 Team Elite Four

93 bytes added, 11:46, 4 March 2014
Game Title : The King of Sled
Status: Accepted
==Game Title : The King of SledEarth Defense Force==
Game Description:
It is a sledding typical shooting gamelike Space Invader, but this game is a 3D version. Player should start with initial power by some kinds of controlmoves only left and right, and shoots missile. Enemies come to player, and go more far distance with choice of better route with left-right controllingplayer has to destroy enemies. Every time player destroys enemies, player gets score.
Heightmapping will be used for background terrain in this game.
Work load division: Dong hoon Choi is responsible for all of the game. He is going to do game design, applying heightmapping, processing of user input.