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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS6

1,162 bytes added, 12:28, 24 September 2018
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{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}}
=CentOS Installation (on Main Host - c6host)=
# Perform a GNU/Linux installation using the CentOS 6.5 6 distribution# Investigate information during and after the CentOS 6.5 6 installation
# Perform an update after a recent installation
== Required Materials (Bring to All Labs) ==
* CentOS 6.5 x86_64 Live DVD
* CentOS 6.5 6 x86_64 Installation DVD1
* SATA Hard Disk (in removable disk tray)
* USB Memory Stick
=== Part 1: Simple Things ===
{{Admon/important|Access to Instructions for Lab1|Since you will performing a full install on your computer, you cannot use that computer to simultaneously view instructions while you perform the full install. Here are some suggestions to make this process easier:<ul> <li>Printout Lab1 instructions at home prior to performing Lab1</li> <li>Use a smart-phone, notebook, or netbook computer to view lab instructions (highly recommended)</li> <li>If lab space availability is not an issue, use another computer termimal to view lab instructions while performing install</li></ul>|
# Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk''' into the drive tray.
# Set your computer's drive selector switch to '''external''' (a.k.a ''position #4'').
# Power up the computer and insert the '''CentOS 6.5 6 Installation DVD1''' into the DVD drive (refer to main OPS235 WIKI page on how to obtain Installation DVD).
# Wait until the CentOS DVD boots (could take a few moments).
additional repositories
<li>The CentOS software is updated frequently to add features, fix bugs, and upgrade security. Perform a system update to get the latest versions of the packages installed: Start the Firefox web browser, turn off popup window blocking (select ''Edit>Preferences'', then select the Content tab and uncheck the box to Block Popups), then login to SeneNET. Open a terminal and type <code>su</code> to start a shell as root. Enter the command <code>yum update</code> This will download and install all of the packages that have been updated since the installation DVD image was created. If you complete this command at Seneca it should run quite fast as Seneca College hosts a CentOS Repository mirror (a copy of all of the current CentOS packages, on a local web server).</li>
{{Admon/tip |Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|To be an effective Linux administrator, you need to become comfortable on issuing Linux commands in a shell, and use resources to quickly learn how to properly formulate Linux commands...<br /><br />You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. These tutorials were designed for another course called "OPS435", but you can still use them for practice. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following 4 tutorials (you can copy and paste these separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />'''/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi-tutorial'''<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
'''Answer the Investigation 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
{{Admon/tip |Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|To be an effective Linux administrator, you need to become comfortable on issuing Linux commands in a shell, and use resources to quickly learn how to properly formulate Linux commands...<br /><br />You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. These tutorials were designed for another course called "OPS435", but you can still use them for practice. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following 4 tutorials (you can copy and paste these separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />'''/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi-tutorial'''<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
# Your system may not be automatically connected to Seneca's network. Locate the network icon (on top right-hand panel). Click on that icon, and select '''system eth0'''# Open a web-browser and log into Seneca's wired network. You will need to perform this set every time you start a new session with your computer to perform future labs.#Open a shell terminal.# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book:
#* '''ifconfig'''
#* '''route -n'''
:* '''root /''' (20GB), '''/home''' (30GB), '''swap''' (8GB)
:* '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' (100GB)
:* Hint: Can issue '''lsblk''' (listblock command)or '''blkid'''
* Has the correct IP address and MAC address
* Find out the default route (gateway)
# How do you determine the host name of your GNU/Linux workstation?
# What command can display the NIC's MAC address?
[[Category:OPS235 Labs]]