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GPU610/DPS915 MCM Decrypt

8,753 bytes added, 18:58, 6 December 2013
Assignment 3
==== Output ====
<source lang="mysql"> [ 500000 ] 0x4e 0x42 0x5c (NB\)[ 1000000 ] 0x21 0x65 0x3d 0x21 (!e=!)[ 1500000 ] 0x4f 0x2c 0x7a 0x21 (O,z!)[ 2000000 ] 0x22 0x4f 0x5b 0x22 ("O[")[ 2500000 ] 0x50 0x71 0x3c 0x23 (Pq<#)[ 3000000 ] 0x23 0x39 0x79 0x23 (#9y#)[ 3500000 ] 0x51 0x5b 0x5a 0x24 (Q[Z$)[ 4000000 ] 0x24 0x23 0x3c 0x25 ($#<%)[ 4500000 ] 0x52 0x45 0x78 0x25 (REx%)[ 5000000 ] 0x25 0x68 0x59 0x26 (%hY&)[ 5500000 ] 0x53 0x2f 0x3b 0x27 (S/;')[6000000 ] 0x26 0x52 0x77 0x27 (&Rw')[File6500000 ] 0x54 0x74 0x58 0x28 (TtX()[ 7000000 ] 0x27 0x3c 0x3a 0x29 ('<:Mysql_run_1))[ 7500000 ] 0x55 0x5e 0x76 0x29 (U^v))[ 8000000 ] 0x28 0x26 0x58 0x2a ((&X*)[ 8500000 ] 0x56 0x48 0x39 0x2b (VH9+)[ 9000000 ] 0x29 0x6b 0x75 0x2b ()ku+)[ 9500000 ] 0x57 0x32 0x57 0x2c (W2W,)[ 10000000 ] 0x2a 0x55 0x38 0x2d (*U8-)[ 10500000 ] 0x58 0x77 0x74 0x2d (Xwt-)[ 11000000 ] 0x2b 0x3f 0x56 0x2e (+?V.png|border)[ 11500000 ]0x59 0x61 0x37 0x2f (Ya7/)[ 12000000 ] 0x2c 0x29 0x74 0x2f (,)t/)[ 12500000 ] 0x5a 0x4b 0x55 0x30 (ZKU0)[ 13000000 ] 0x2d 0x6e 0x36 0x31 (-n61)[ 13500000 ] 0x5b 0x35 0x73 0x31 ([5s1)[ 14000000 ] 0x2e 0x58 0x54 0x32 (.XT2)[ 14500000 ] 0x5c 0x7a 0x35 0x33 (\z53)[ 15000000 ] 0x2f 0x42 0x72 0x33 (/Br3)[ 15500000 ] 0x5d 0x64 0x53 0x34 (]dS4)[ 16000000 ] 0x30 0x2c 0x35 0x35 (0,55)[ 16500000 ] 0x5e 0x4e 0x71 0x35 (^Nq5)[ 17000000 ] 0x31 0x71 0x52 0x36 (1qR6)[ 17500000 ] 0x5f 0x38 0x34 0x37 (_847)[ 18000000 ] 0x32 0x5b 0x70 0x37 (2[p7)[ 18500000 ] 0x60 0x22 0x52 0x38 (`"R8)[ 19000000 ] 0x33 0x45 0x33 0x39 (3E39)[ 19500000 ] 0x61 0x67 0x6f 0x39 (ago9)[ 20000000 ] 0x34 0x2f 0x51 0x3a (4/Q:)[ 20500000 ] 0x62 0x51 0x32 0x3b (bQ2;)[ 21000000 ] 0x35 0x74 0x6e 0x3b (5tn;)[ 21500000 ] 0x63 0x3b 0x50 0x3c (c;P<br)[ 22000000 ] 0x36 0x5e 0x31 0x3d (6^1=)[ 22500000 ] 0x64 0x25 0x6e 0x3d (d%n=)[ 23000000 ] 0x37 0x48 0x4f 0x3e (7HO>)[ 23500000 ] 0x65 0x6a 0x30 0x3f (ej0?)[ 24000000 ] 0x38 0x32 0x6d 0x3f (82m?)[ 24500000 ] 0x66 0x54 0x4e 0x40 (fTN@)[25000000 ] 0x39 0x77 0x2f 0x41 (9w/A)[File25500000 ] 0x67 0x3e 0x6c 0x41 (g>lA)[ 26000000 ] 0x3a 0x61 0x4d 0x42 (:Mysql_run_2aMB)[ 26500000 ] 0x68 0x28 0x2f 0x43 (h(/C)[ 27000000 ] 0x3b 0x4b 0x6b 0x43 (;KkC)[ 27500000 ] 0x69 0x6d 0x4c 0x44 (imLD)[ 28000000 ] 0x3c 0x35 0x2e 0x45 (<5.png|borderE)[ 28500000 ]0x6a 0x57 0x6a 0x45 (jWjE)[ 29000000 ] 0x3d 0x7a 0x4b 0x46 (=zKF)[ 29500000 ] 0x6b 0x41 0x2d 0x47 (kA-G)[ 30000000 ] 0x3e 0x64 0x69 0x47 (>diG)[ 30500000 ] 0x6c 0x2b 0x4b 0x48 (l+KH)[ 31000000 ] 0x3f 0x4e 0x2c 0x49 (?N,I)[ 31500000 ] 0x6d 0x70 0x68 0x49 (mphI)[ 32000000 ] 0x40 0x38 0x4a 0x4a (@8JJ)[ 32500000 ] 0x6e 0x5a 0x2b 0x4b (nZ+K)[ 33000000 ] 0x41 0x22 0x68 0x4b (A"hK)[ 33500000 ] 0x6f 0x44 0x49 0x4c (oDIL)[ 34000000 ] 0x42 0x67 0x2a 0x4d (Bg*M)[ 34500000 ] 0x70 0x2e 0x67 0x4d (p.gM)[ 35000000 ] 0x43 0x51 0x48 0x4e (CQHN)[ 35500000 ] 0x71 0x73 0x29 0x4f (qs)O)[ 36000000 ] 0x44 0x3b 0x66 0x4f (D;fO)[ 36500000 ] 0x72 0x5d 0x47 0x50 (r]GP)[ 37000000 ] 0x45 0x25 0x29 0x51 (E%)Q)[ 37500000 ] 0x73 0x47 0x65 0x51 (sGeQ)[ 38000000 ] 0x46 0x6a 0x46 0x52 (FjFR)[ 38500000 ] 0x74 0x31 0x28 0x53 (t1(S)[ 39000000 ] 0x47 0x54 0x64 0x53 (GTdS)[ 39500000 ] 0x75 0x76 0x45 0x54 (uvET)[ 40000000 ] 0x48 0x3e 0x27 0x55 (H>'U)[ 40500000 ] 0x76 0x60 0x63 0x55 (v`cU)[ 41000000 ] 0x49 0x28 0x45 0x56 (I(EV)[ 41500000 ] 0x77 0x4a 0x26 0x57 (wJ&W)[ 42000000 ] 0x4a 0x6d 0x62 0x57 (JmbW)[ 42500000 ] 0x78 0x34 0x44 0x58 (x4DX)[ 43000000 ] 0x4b 0x57 0x25 0x59 (KW%Y)[ 43500000 ] 0x79 0x79 0x61 0x59 (yyaY)[ 44000000 ] 0x4c 0x41 0x43 0x5a (LACZ)[ 44500000 ] 0x7a 0x63 0x24 0x5b (zc$[)[ 45000000 ] 0x4d 0x2b 0x61 0x5b (M+a[)[ 45500000 ] 0x20 0x4e 0x42 0x5c ( NB\)[ 46000000 ] 0x4e 0x70 0x23 0x5d (Np#])[ 46500000 ] 0x21 0x38 0x60 0x5d (!8`])[ 47000000 ] 0x4f 0x5a 0x41 0x5e (OZA^)[ 47500000 ] 0x22 0x22 0x23 0x5f (""#_)[ 48000000 ] 0x50 0x44 0x5f 0x5f (PD__)[ 48500000 ] 0x23 0x67 0x40 0x60 (#g@`)[ 49000000 ] 0x51 0x2e 0x22 0x61 (Q."a)[ 49500000 ] 0x24 0x51 0x5e 0x61 ($Q^a)[ 50000000 ] 0x52 0x73 0x3f 0x62 (Rs?b)[ 50500000 ] 0x25 0x3b 0x21 0x63 (%;!c)[ 51000000 ] 0x53 0x5d 0x5d 0x63 (S]]c)[ 51500000 ] 0x26 0x25 0x3f 0x64 (&%?d)[ 52000000 ] 0x54 0x47 0x20 0x65 (TG e)[ 52500000 ] 0x27 0x6a 0x5c 0x65 ('j\e)[ 53000000 ] 0x55 0x31 0x3e 0x66 (U1>f)[ 53500000 ] 0x28 0x54 0x7a 0x66 ((Tzf)[ 54000000 ] 0x56 0x76 0x5b 0x67 (Vv[g)[ 54500000 ] 0x29 0x3e 0x3d 0x68 ()>=h)[ 55000000 ] 0x57 0x60 0x79 0x68 (W`yh)[ 55500000 ] 0x2a 0x28 0x5b 0x69 (*([i)[ 56000000 ] 0x58 0x4a 0x3c 0x6a (XJ<br>j)[ 56500000 ] 0x2b 0x6d 0x78 0x6a (+mxj)[ 57000000 ] 0x59 0x34 0x5a 0x6b (Y4Zk)[ 57500000 ] 0x2c 0x57 0x3b 0x6c (,W;l)[ 58000000 ] 0x5a 0x79 0x77 0x6c (Zywl)[ 58500000 ] 0x2d 0x41 0x59 0x6d (-AYm)[59000000 ] 0x5b 0x63 0x3a 0x6e ([Filec:Mysql_run_3n)[ 59500000 ] 0x2e 0x2b 0x77 0x6e (.png|border+wn)[ 60000000 ] 0x5c 0x4d 0x58 0x6f (\MXo)[ 60500000 ]0x2f 0x70 0x39 0x70 (/p9p)[ 61000000 ] 0x5d 0x37 0x76 0x70 (]7vp)[ 61500000 ] 0x30 0x5a 0x57 0x71 (0ZWq)[ 62000000 ] 0x5e 0x21 0x39 0x72 (^!9r)[ 62500000 ] 0x31 0x44 0x75 0x72 (1Dur)[ 63000000 ] 0x5f 0x66 0x56 0x73 (_fVs)[ 63239711 ] 0x70 0x61 0x73 0x73 (pass)MATCH [pass] [29bad1457ee5e49e]==[29bad1457ee5e49e] <br/source>
==== Profile ====
unsigned long tmp;
tmp= (unsigned long) (unsigned char) password[threadIdx.xidx];
*nr^= (((*nr & 63)+*add)*tmp)+ (*nr << 8);
*nr2+=(*nr2 << 8) ^ *nr;
encrypted_password[threadIdx.x] = 0;
-Currently I am trying to get the above kernels to work before handing in the assignment as I feel that having just the initialization kernel would not be nearly sufficient for the purpose of this assignment.
==== Work With Prefix Scan ====
-At the moment I am working on various simplified versions of a prefix sum algorithm that I am hoping will lead me on the right path to completing my assignment. These algorithms have been gathered from various sources such as MIT, NVIDIA, as well as CUDA documentation.
-Below is a sequential prescan used to perform a prescan on an array.
<source lang="cpp">
void scan( float* arr1, float* input, int n) {
output[0] = 0; // since this is an exclusive scan, we do not include the first element
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
arr1[i] = input[i-1] + arr1[i-1];
-Below is a parallel scan which does the same thing as the above function
<source lang="cpp">
global__ void scan(float *g_odata, float *g_idata, int n) {
extern __shared__ float temp[]; // allocated on invocation
int thid = threadIdx.x;
int pout = 0, pin = 1;
// load input into shared memory.
// This is exclusive scan, so shift right by one and set first elt to 0
temp[pout*n + thid] = (thid > 0) ? g_idata[thid-1] : 0;
for (int offset = 1; offset < n; offset *= 2) {
pout = 1 - pout; // swap double buffer indices
pin = 1 - pout;
if (thid >= offset)
temp[pout*n+thid] += temp[pin*n+thid - offset];
temp[pout*n+thid] = temp[pin*n+thid];
g_odata[thid] = temp[pout*n+thid1]; // write output
=== Assignment 3 ===
-In the end I found a fairly simplified encryption program and decided to work with that so I could at least get something to hand in in the end. Encryption works with every letter of the string or file you are working with, and therefore is a perfect candidate to be parallelized.
-Here is the source code snippit of the CPU code:
<source lang=cpp>
void encrypt(char *inp,char *out,int key)
std::ifstream input;
std::ofstream output;
char buf;;;
if(buf>='a'&&buf<='z') {
else if(buf>='A'&&buf<='Z') {
-I then created a kernel which was very simple
<source lang=cpp>
__global__ void encrypt2(char *inp, int key) {
int i = threadIdx.x;
if(inp[i]>='a'&&inp[i]<='z') {
else if(inp[i]>='A'&&inp[i]<='Z') {
-and optimized it to allow for larger sized strings (so all of the threads would not be operating on just one block and leaving the other streaming multiprocessors idle.
<source lang=cpp>
__global__ void encrypt2(char *inp, int key) {
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(inp[i]>='a'&&inp[i]<='z') {
else if(inp[i]>='A'&&inp[i]<='Z') {