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Team L - OOP344 20133

1,749 bytes added, 14:21, 15 December 2013
*: Open: you can merge now.
 <big>*'''''Open/Closed'''''*: Open: you can merge now.*: Closed: Wait for the repo to get opened*</big> 
* DateTime, Merged/being Merged by [ full name], ircnick: mynick, any other info
* No Tab Character allowed. (replace tabs with 2 spaces)
* 2 4 spaces for indentation
=== Blocks ===
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
ifreturnType functionName(conditionint name, int name, int name, int name, int name, int name, int name, int name, int name, int name) { whatever;
=== Variable Naming ===
* Each object must have its own type:
* being done by team member name / not assigned
* status
=== the application task 4 ===
* Delete
* Assigned to Kathleen Leong
* Done
=== the application task 3 ===
* Edit
* Assigned to Justin Chow
* Done
=== the application task 2 ===
* Browse
* Assigned to Euihoon Seol
* Done
=== the application task 1 ===
* Add
* Assigned to Justin Chow
* Done
=== the application task 0 ===
* Prototyping
* Assigned to Justin Chow
* Done
=== Release 0.4 task 4 ===
* CMenuItem workload - 25%
* Assigned to Euihoon Seol
* Done
=== Release 0.4 task 3 ===
* CCheckMark workload - 25%
* Assigned to Kathleen Leong
* Done
=== Release 0.4 task 2 ===
* CValEdit workload - 25%
* Assigned to Justin Chow
* Done
=== Release 0.4 task 1 ===
* CButton workload - 25%
* Assigned to Nicolas Ramkay
* Done
=== Release 0.4 task 0 ===
* prototyping workload - 0%
* Assigned to Euihoon Seol
* Done
=== Release 0.3 task 4 ===
* CLineEdit workload - 17%
* Assigned to Justin Chow
* In progressDone
=== Release 0.3 task 3 ===
* CDialog workload - 50%
* Assigned To Kathleen Leong and Nicolas Ramkay
* In progressDone
=== Release 0.3 task 2 ===
* CLabel workload - 17%
* Not assignedAssigned to Euihoon Seol* In progressDone
=== Release 0.3 task 1 ===
* prototyping workload - 16%
* Not assignedAssigned to Euihoon Seol* In progressDone
=== Release 0.2 task 3 ===
* Other team members must clone the repository and test the execution of CFrame
* Done by Assigned to Nick Ramkay, Euihoon Seol, Kathleen Leong
* Done
=== Release 0.2 task 2 ===
* Branch and clone the repository, add console.cpp and console.h to the files in the repository, complie, run and test the execution, add a comment with his info on cframe.h, merge the branch, push the changes to github
* Done by Assigned to Justin Chow
* Done
=== Release 0.2 task 1 ===
* Create our teampage using the template
* Done by Assigned to Euihoon (Hoon) Seol
* Done
=== topic, date ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]
=== Dec/13~14/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (testing and revisiting works for the application) - oop344 20113 |Testing and revisiting works for the application]]
=== Nov/29/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (Dividing tasks for the application) - oop344 20113 |Dividing tasks for the application]]
=== Nov/17 ~ 22/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (testing and revising works for Release 0.4) - oop344 20113 |Testing and revising works for Release 0.4]]
=== Nov/13/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (Dividing tasks for Release 0.4) - oop344 20113 |Dividing tasks for Release 0.4]]
=== Nov/01 ~ 06/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (testing and revising works for Release 0.3) - oop344 20113 |Testing and revising works for Release 0.3]]
=== Oct/22/2013 ===
* [[Irc logs of meeting (Dividing tasks for Release 0.3) - oop344 20113 |Dividing tasks for Release 0.3]]