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Team P - OOP344 20133

1,490 bytes added, 12:24, 14 December 2013
== IRC ==Channel on freenode : ##UGO
== Repository ==
=== Master Branch Status ===
* Open
* Merged by [ Yan Song], puerile : follow-up merging
* Merged by [ Shreyas Patel], Dean_Winchester: mynick, any other infoinitial setting up-->
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
 <u>Group work</u>: XX50% (25 <= xx  <= 50)u>Individual work</u>: XX50% + (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total 100%
== Coding Style and Standards ==
* No Tab Character allowed. (replace tabs with spaces)
* Indent two spaces at a time.
* Each object must have its own type:
<big><syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
int a;
* Indent two spaces at a time.
* <u>'''For detailed coding style and standards we can reference cframe.h and cframe.cpp'''</u> Suggested by Ruojia--Oct.23 4:20PM
== Team Members ==
|} -->
== tasks Tasks ==<!--
=== task name ===
* task description
* being done by team member name / not assigned
* status
=== V1.0 Task Assignment ===
; v1.0-1 : Yan, UI Prototyping and implementation; Browsing function.
; v1.0-2 : ???
; v1.0-3 : ???
=== Release 0.4 Task Assignment ===
*R0.4.1: '''CButton'''
*R0.4.2:''' CValEdit'''
Ruojia Chen
In progress
*R0.4.3: '''CCheckMark'''
*R0.4.4: '''CMenuItem'''
; r0.4-1 : Ruojia, CValEdit, Done
; r0.4-2 : Yuzhi, CCheckMark, Done
; r0.4-3 : Yan, CButton & CMenuItem, Done
=== Release 0.3 Task Assignment ===
; r0.3-1 : Ruojia, CLineEdit, Done; r0.3-2 : Yuzhi, CLabel, Done; r0.3-3 : Shreyas and Yan, CDialog, Done == meetings = Release 0.2 Task Assignment === ; r0.2-1 : Shreyas, initial testing and merging, done; r0.2-2 : Rest of team, follow-up updating and merging, Done == Meetings ==
* latest will be on top
=== topic, date ===
[[Irc logs of meeting (unique name) - oop344 20113 | date]]
=== Discussion ===
* I need your help with warning guys i fixed one of them however, the warnings about conversion from 'int' to 'char', possible loss of data are because of (str[*strOffset+*curPosition] = key;)<-this line.I would appreciate is anyone can comes up with an idea to solve it. [You're doing this assigment only if (key >= ' ' && key <= '~') is true, so it's safe to cast key to char. - Yan Song]
* About rest of the warnings I found this link which somewhat explains the problem.