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Test #2

  1. List the 5 complete commands, in correct order, you would enter to decrease the size of an ext3 file system to 1GB. The file system is inside a logical volume named LUX. The logical volume is part of a volume group named SENECA. You may assume the logical volume is currently mounted on /mnt and that the current size of the file system is 2GB of which less than ¼ is used.
    1. umount /mnt
    2. fsck -t ext3 /dev/SENECA/LUX
    3. resize2fs /dev/SENECA/LUX 1G
    4. lvreduce SENECA/LUX -L1G
    5. mount /dev/SENECA/LUX /mnt
  2. A server, named “abcd”, has a startup script called “abc”. Answer the following questions.
    1. In Fedora 8, where (full path name) would you put abc?
    2. In Fedora 8, where (full path name) would you put abcd?
      /sbin or /usr/sbin or /usr/local/sbin
    3. What command would you enter in order to add this new service for management by chkconfig?
      chkconfig --add abc
    4. Assume the following comments appeared at the start of abc:
      # abc
      # description: server starts/stops abcd 
      # chkconfig: 3 72 15

      What are the two link files for this service?

      S72abc and K15abc
    5. What command would you enter to stop this server?
      service abc stop
  3. The following questions deal with YUM package management in Fedora 8.
    1. What yum command is used to list all repositories?
      yum repolist
    2. Explain, clearly, how you would add a new yum repository to Fedora 8.
      Add a repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. See others for examples.
    3. What yum command would you use to list all available packages containing the string “spider”?
      yum info *spider*
    4. What yum command would you use to display a list of all installed packages?
      yum list installed
    5. What yum command would you use to install a package named “words”?
      yum install words
  4. The following questions deal with building a new kernel on Fedora 8.
    1. Explain, clearly, the difference between “make config” and “make oldconfig”.
      make config will prompt for ALL kernel configuration options.
      make oldconfig will only prompt for options that are in the new kernel and not in the previous.
    2. After building a kernel with the “make” command, where exactly (give the name and relative path) would you find the new kernel? You may assume you're working with an X86 system.
    3. After running the command “make modules_install” where (give full path name) would you expect to find the new kernel modules?
      /lib/modules/"kernel version"/
    4. Name two commands, other than “make config” and “make oldconfig” which can be used to modify/view the current kernel configuration.
      make xconfig or make qconfig or make menuconfig or vi .config
    5. If the new kernel version was 2.7.28, what command would you use to build a new INITRD file?
      mkinitrd initrd-2.7.28.img 2.7.28