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Resources and Guidelines 4

Activity 4: Dive into the source code and create a patch.


  • How to fix a Bug in Eclipse? (Eclipse article) [1]
  • Eclipse FAQ [2]
  • Eclipse : building commercial-quality plug-ins by Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel (college library eBook)
  • Eclipse Plugin Development [3]


  • READ the resources.
  • Install the Plugin Development Environment (PDE).
  • Check out the source code (e.g. the Valgrind plugins) from the SVN repository.
    • When you install Subclipe, you need to fix the problem of missing JavaHL Library.
  • Inspect the source code of some Java classes that interest you.
  • Change the source code (e.g. the ColorManager class in ??? plug-in) and run it.
  • Create a patch if it runs correctly!