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Team Members

SVN repo: ops344_093a07
Position Last Name Name Section Email Blog SVN ID IRC Nick
Leader Shi [Lucy] Xiaozhe A Blog ops344_093svn77 Lucy_
- An Suwon C Blog ops344_093svn71 mercedes13
- Ren Keyan C Blog ops344_093svn72 rocky413
- Sun Dong C Blog ops344_093svn73 frank123
- Xiong Feihong B Blog ops344_093svn76 fxiong1
- Zhu Zhaolong A Blog ops344_093svn78 zlzhu
- - - - e-mail all members - - -

Current Tasks

Task Name Who's Contributing Due date Completed
IO_Field Xiaozhe Nov 25 Done
IO_Form Zhaolong Nov 25 Done
IO_Frame Dong Nov 25 Done
IO_Edit Dong Nov 25 Done
IO_Node Dong Nov 25 Done
IO_Label Dong Nov 25 Done
IO_Vedit Keyan Nov 25 Done
IO_CheckList Fardad (bug fixed) - Done
IO_Menu Fardad (bug fixed) - Done
IO_TextEditor Feihong / Xiaozhe Nov 25 Done
Main Suwon Nov 25 -

Meeting Schedule

1. Congratulations! Good job everyone! Our version is finally working after all of us have worked hard for this project.

2. We will have a meeting this week at 9 pm Fri.(Dec 4)

3. The final due date is Dec 8.

4. Good luck on your tests, quiz, and final exam.

Project Suggestions

1. Before you commit your codes, make sure it is buildable.

2. Feel free to change the codes if you think that would be better, even it's not your codes.

3. After you commit your codes, please write down what you have done on both Docs which is in our repo and wiki Team Page.

4. If you haven't finished your class yet, please commit all the empty functions to our repo.

5. Eliminate warnings as many as possible.

Project Process

1. Oct 23, 2009 -- We start doing our project, and everyone is assigned a class to work on.

2. Oct 27, 2009 -- The first IRC class. We post ciol.h and ciol.cpp on our repo, then, Fardad write prjmain.cpp for us

3. Oct 30, 2009 -- Group meeting

4. Nov 06, 2009 -- Group meeting

5. Nov 13, 2009 -- Group meeting

6. Nov 14, 2009 -- All the classes were finished. Fixing bugs after putting all the classes and sample main together.

7. Nov 20, 2009 -- Group meeting

8. Nov 25, 2009 -- Group meeting

9. Nov 27, 2009 -- Group meeting

10. Nov 30, 2009 -- Our project works very well. Waiting the final version of main to be posted.

Meeting Minutes

1. Date: Oct. 23, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, ChunXia, Feihong, David, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

Actions: 1. Every member will take a ownership of different classes in assignment 2

David IO_edit; Keyan IO_checklist; [Frank]Dong IO_label; Feihong IO_menu; Chunxia IO_ frame; An IO_Radio; Zhaolong IO_Form; [Lucy]Xiaozhe IO_field.

There are two classes left IO_MenuBar and IO_TextEdit. Frank, the strongest technical person in our group, is volunteered both of them. We all believe that those exercises can help Frank promote his mark from A+ to A++.

2. Next two meetings will be held at the same place on Tuesday (Oct. 27) 9:00pm and Friday (Oct. 30) 9:00pm. We need more discussing about assignment 2. Please prepare your questions and proposals (solutions) in advance.

3. Team name will be changed to BINGO. Feihong will be responsible for updating the group web pages accordingly.

2. Date: Oct. 27, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Fardad, Keyan, [Frank]Dong, ChunXia, Feihong, David, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

Prof. Fardad was a chair and organized the meeting.

What we have done during the meeting?

1. Frank was chosen to be the organizer for our group, to be able to initiate the project source. He added his ciol.h and ciol.c to the PRJ directory.

2. A general headerfile io_def.h was created and added to the PRJ dir.

3. A prjmain.cpp file was created. There were one int main() funciton and 8 "sub-main" functions. Everyone can share and at the same time run his or her own test.

What we need to do next?

1. We can modify our own main and start developing.

2. For each class in the project we should create a headerfile and a cpp file with the same name of the class. ie: io_label.h and io_label.cpp.

3. Each of us MUST add a txt file with Seneca id to the docs directory.

4. Whenever we are committing something make sure at top of the file we add what we have done.


3. Nov 6, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, Zhaolong, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

Discuss assignment2.

4. Nov 13, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, Zhaolong, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

IO_checklist and menu were given form class. Feihong is working on texteditor instead of checklist. Ren is working on vedit instead of menu. Zhaolong is working on form.

5. Nov 20, 2009 Time: 9 to 10:06 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

All the classes will be done by Wed. (Nov 25) IO_vedit has been submitted. Feihong is working on texteditor. An is working on main.

6. Nov 25, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe, Zhaolong

IO_textedit has been submitted. IO_form has been submitted.

All classes are uploaded on svn. The next stage is to eliminate bugs.

7.Nov 27, 2009 Time: 9 to 10 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe, Zhaolong

All classes are done. We discussed some functions in IO_Form. After we had compiled all the classes with main, there were some problems in IO_Form::edit(), IO_edit, and IO_label. Frank will send an email to Fardad and describe the problems.

8.Dec 04, 2009 Time: 9 to 10:30 pm Present: Keyan, [Frank]Dong, Feihong, An, [Lucy]Xiaozhe

Frank found a bug in our project. bug: when you type in a invalid date and press down key, it should show the error message and stop at the field, but it actually jumps to the next field. The bug may hide in Form class.

we start a new project. An will write a Vedio shop Main function, so we can test our classes on the new project main function.