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OOP344 All are welcome

OOP344 - OOP344 Student List - OOP344 Teams - OOP344 Assignment One - OOP344 Assignment Two - OOP344 IRC Schedules
Contact: Michael Dawson _

2nd Contact: Corey Angus _


Team Members

Last Name Name Seneca Username email Section Blog Url IRC Nick Current Task SVN ID
Dawson Michael mgdawson C Cobra Press MajorBludd IO_MENU 39
Sone Adam alsone A Adam's Blog alsone IO_FORM 31
Angus Corey caangus C Corey's Blog corey IO_FRAME 32
Mok Geoffrey gmok B Blog gmok IO_TextEdit 33
Pereira Christopher capereir A Chris' Blog Cribby IO_LABEL 34
Chen David jchen171 B David' Blog Qinzhi IO_Edit,IO_Vedit 35
Cheung Jonathan jcheung23 C Jon' Blog JonHC IO_FIELD 36
Mirza Umar umirza B Blog umirza85 IO_CheckList 37

28-10-2009: IRC Meeting:

  • The main points from our meeting are, get your assigned class started (just the basic comments and such).
  • And make sure you've got SVN up and running, and you can get to our repository.

30-10-2009: IRC Meeting:

  • We've got a couple of the classes out on SVN.
  • Everybody needs to upload their version of ciol so we can decide on which to use.
  • We have to hold a meeting with Fardad with at least 6 members attending.

01-11-2009: IRC Meeting:

  • We finally had a first meeting with Fardad, 5 members attended.
  • Went over SVN basics, and got some basic files in the repo.
  • And we also got some basics on IRC Meeting rules.

21-11-2009: IRC Meeting:

  • Need to re-evaluate the assigned classes with team.