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OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102

HOTYS Homepage

Welcome to HOTYS homepage!!!

The Name of the team is derived from the first letter of each group member's name:

Han Chul Kim
Osman Mirza
Tony Kim
YuJin Jeong
Stephanie Law

Member List

OOP344 - 2010 Team HOTYS -
Name Seneca
Section Blog Url IRC Nick My Contributions
a Kim Han hckim3 A han3 Hckim3
b Mirza Ozzy omirza A OzZy_M OzZy
c Kim Tony(Kijeong) kjkim A My Blog TonyKim kjkim
d Jeong YuJin yjeong A Spirit & Soul _YJ_ Takeiteasy
e Law Stephanie slaw12 - A My Blog- Slaw12 slaw12

Project Development Page

Team Project


Discussion Page

IRC Schedule/Log

  Group meetings will be held on Sundays at 12pm in #seneca-HOTYS.  

  • Log 1 - This meeting mainly covered coding styles to be used and other group norms
  • Log 2 - This meeting mainly is us waiting for Fardad to show up. We later decided to split the functions and get to work since the assignment page was already up
  • Log 3 - This meeting we went over the simple functions and added v0.1 in tags as a group. Had some Borland Problems we fixed.
  • Log 4 - This meeting we went over the distribution list.
  • Log 5 - This meeting was focused on fixing bugs and committing to trunk in preparation of Fardad's test main
  • Log 6 - This meeting we distributed the project's work and created a rough time line for completion.
  • Log 7 - This meeting we put together all classes and went over bugs to fix and features to add. HOTYS - TextEdit v0.2 was committed to trunk

Coding Style Rules

Every file should have a function header with:

  • File name
  • Programmer Full name
  • Date last modified


By: Full Name
Date Last Modified: 9:59 AM April-15-10
Description of what is in the file

Variable names should be meaningful so additional comments are not necessary to explain what the variable does.


  int nNum; //Bad
int nNumOfTypes //Good

A lower case prefix should be fitted to the variable name to help describe it at a glance:

Prefix Data Type Example
n int nNumOfSignals
c char cTypeMode
b boolean bIsTrue
f float fLength
d double dWidth
s C-Style null terminated string
OR a String object
p pointers pnNumOfSignals
m_ Data Member/
Instance Variable

All variable declarations should be done on their own lines!

There should be NO single character names for variables (Ex: i, j, k, etc) except for arbitrary counters, such as for for loops

All const and #define Variable names should be in All Caps


  const int nMAX_TRIPS;
#define MAX_TRIPS 1

Pointers should be declared in C++ style:


  int* x;
int * x; OR int *x;

Class names should be all lower case except for the first letter, which should be upper case.

Function names should have meaningful names (They do not require prefix).

Function names Should be all lower case except for the First letter of each Word.


getChar(); OR Getchar();

Each function should have only one point of entry and one point of exit! I.E. There should be only 1 return statement in each function.

Each function should have a header describing what it does.

Use Inline comments to describe hard to read code. All inline code should be set to the same indention as the code it is describing.



Opening braces should be on the same line as the defining function/if/else if/etc statement.


  void FunctionOne(int){
if (x > y){
void FunctionOne(int)
if (x > y)

There should be NO use of the tab character!!! Each indent should be 3 blank spaces!

This shows how to set up tab settings