Improving Gaming Performance
Improving Gaming Performance
Thesis Statement
To what extent can the use of sound systems, big and high resolution screens, caffeine usage, and relaxation techniques improve gaming performance?
Information-Rich Virtual Environment (IRVE), experiment, field of view, large high-resolution displays, user study, wayfinding aid
The effects of low doses of caffeine on human performance and mood:
Effects of Acute Psychosocial Stress on Working Memory Related Brain Activity in Men:
High fat diet increases hippocampal oxidative stress and cognitive impairment in aged mice: implications for decreased Nrf2 signaling:
Effects of caffeine and glucose, alone and combined, on cognitive performance:
The Hax Life:
Effects of caffeine and noise on mood, performance and cardiovascular functioning:
Learning to react like a god:
Understanding and crafting the mix: the art of recording:
Increased display size and resolution improve task performance in Information-Rich Virtual Environments: