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GAM532/DPS932Student List 20141

Game Engine Foundations

GAM532/DPS932 | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources

Please add your information to the student list below!

Student List

Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GAM531/DPS931).

|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [ ID]

Replace the following with your own information:

  • WN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
  • GN: Your Group name
  • SB: Your Subject (example: GAM532 or DPS932)
  • ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
  • BB: Your bitbucket account

GAM532/DPS932 - Student List
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id Bit Bucket
Joseph Hughes Team Name GAM532 LSS_CloudScorpion
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS932 chris.szalwinski cszalwinski
Samuel Azan TeamPC GAM532 sbazan sbazan
Dyllon Ricardo Team Elite Four GAM532 ddricardo ddricardo
samoote Stanley Team Name DPS532 samoote Mootinator
Dwayne Edwards TeamPC GAM532 dedwards3 dwaynedwards
Donghoon Choi Team Elite Four GAM532 dhchoi2 donghoonchoi76
Arlene Lee Team Atlantis GAM532 alee110 Zephyr135
raalquiza1 Alquiza Team GG DPS932 raalquiza1 radneyalquiza
Diaoqiang He Team Atlantis GAM532 dqhe1 diaoqianghe
Balint Czunyi Team Slice GAM532 bczunyi bczunyi
Brad Hoover Team Slice GAM532 bhoover1 BradHoov
Nick Ramkay Team Slice GAM532 nramkay yakmar