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Fall 2014 SPO600 Participants

These are the participants in the SPO600 course during Fall 2014.

Participant and Project Table

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Column definitions

  • # - Sequential line number
  • Name - Your full name, linked to your wiki user profile page (please place contact information there).
  • IRC Nick(s) - Your nicks (nicknames) as used on IRC. Leave this blank if you're not using IRC yet.
  • Seneca LDAP Id - Your Seneca LDAP identifier, used for your Seneca email account, student record access, computer login, server accounts, and so forth.
  • Role - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, IFS Student, CDOT Researcher, etc.
  • Project 1 - Link to your first SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
  • Project 2 - Link to your second SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
  • Alternate Projects - Projects you are interested in doing if your selected project is not approved.
  • Notes Regarding Project - Any comments you have about your project selection.
  • Project Approval - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.

Instructions - Participant Information

Please add your name, IRC nick, and Learn ID as soon as possible. Link your name to your Wiki user page.

# Name Blog URL IRC Nick Seneca LDAP ID Role Project 1 Project 2 Alternate Projects Notes Regarding Projects Project Approval
00 Chris Tyler ctyler chris.tyler Professor libgcroots gdb (add reverse debugging support for AArch64) libgcroots (garbage collection root library) is used by sigscheme and uim (multilingual input library) and looks like a moderate task - needs arch/OS specific information about finding stack base. gdb reverse debugging support (which is currently unmaintained) works only on x86 at present but the porting work looks heavy but reasonable. CT
01 Hunter Jansen Student jsl snort fio, jscoverage, zeromq, bowtie EDIT: JSL upstream unresponsive, project code is currently very different from fedpkg code (all python vs all c). Snort has to be installed via wget and works on both architectures. Fio installs via yum and works fine on both. JSCoverage is a dead package, carried on to jsCover, a java project; all tests pass on both systems. ZeroMQ installs architecture specific packages on each via yum and works fine. Currently investigating Bowtie. CT
02 Linpei Fan Lilyaj lfan9 CPA Student
03 Adam Sharpe ansharpe Student newlib avian
04 Omid Djahanpour odjahanpour Student siege psmisc
05 Kieran Sedgwick ksedgwick Student unrar-free LAME unrar-free presents more of a challenge, since it definitely has ASM code that needs to be made portable. LAME's debugger ASM code needs more research to understand. CT: LAME is not included in Fedora or Debian - why? CT
06 Gabriel Castro gcastrolondono Student kamailio bind
07 Edwin Lum Lumed elum1 Student eigen3 drbd8 CT
08 Brendan Henderson paraCr4ck bdhenderson Student aircrack-ng pyrit
09 Emmanuel Ho Fidelino ehofidelino Student krb5 polarssl CT: testing krb5 will require a lot of setup. Likewise, polarssl is a library and is not used directly but accessed by other software (power DNS, dislocker). How are you going to test your changes to these packages? Do they include test suites?
10 Bradly Hoover bhoover1 Student
11 Yan Song N/A ysong55 Student
12 Thana Annis Bwaffles tannis Student