DPS909 & OSD600 Winter 2018
Week 1
- Some questions:
- When you hear "open source," what comes to mind?
- On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very)...
- How comfortable are you working with technology you've never seen before?
- How curious are you about how things work?
- How likely are you to stick with a problem when it gets hard to solve?
- How likely are you to ask for help when you get stuck?
- How likely are you to pause your own work in order to help someone else who is stuck?
- How self-motivated are you?
- How self-directed are you?
- How to have Success in this course:
- Willingness to be lost and not panic
- Willingness to put yourself out there, jump in
- Curiosity
- Being driven, persistence
- Willingness to ask for help
- Willingness to give others help
- Independent learning
- Doing more than the bare minimum
- Discussion
- Let's talk about Copyright and Open Source Licenses
- IANAL: "I Am Not A Lawyer"
- We're going to explore licensing from the POV of a developer participating in open projects
- Copyright (Copyright in Canada video)
- Who created it, "owns" it.
- Set of exclusive rights granted to the work's creator
- "The right to copy," to produce or reproduce a work or substantial portion thereof
- Copyright is automatic when a work is created, you don't have to register it.
- Copyright in Canada
- Copyright Guide
- In a software project, there can be many copyright holders (e.g., many contributors), or all contributors may assign their copyright to the project (e.g., CLA, which we'll cover later)
Week 2
- Licenses
- Rights, privileges, responsibilities, etc. applicable to someone other than the work's creator
- "Terms and Conditions"
- These must be granted by a copyright holder
- No License
- What can you do with code you find that has no license?
- what can I, can't I do?
- Public Domain
- SQLite, which is now used by literally everybody, see http://www.sqlite.org/famous.html
- Unlicense
- Consider some proprietary/closed End User License Agreements (EULA)
- Open Source Licenses
- The Open Source Definition
- Approved licenses by the Open Source Initiative: https://opensource.org/licenses
- Choose a License: https://choosealicense.com/
- Learning Licenses: BSD
- Family of Licenses, including 2-Clause BSD, 3-Clause BSD (aka New BDS), 4-Clause BSD
- "Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project"
- BSD Licenses code is usually compatible with other open/closed code, when you want to mix them.
- Example software projects licensed under the BSD License:
- Summary:
- You need to retain the license and copyright notice
- You can use it commercially or non-commercially (privately)
- You can distribute it freely
- You can modify it freely
Week 3
- Finish Lab 1
- Complete Release 0.1 Part A
- Start Learning Git, GitHub
- Source Code Reading: by reading code we didn't write, we often learn things we didn't know were possible.
- Consider libphonenumber's
type and Constant-Specific Methods in Java. ENUMs can define an abstract method and override them with a concrete method in each constant - Consider
Unicode categories in Regex- https://mothereff.in/regexpu
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property
- Tips for reading new codebases (blog post by Safia Abdalla)
- Consider libphonenumber's
- Introducing git
- Readings/Resources
Week 4
- Learning Licenses: MIT
- MIT License
- The MIT License, Line by Line
- One of the most widely used licenses in Open Source
- Like the BSD License, nothing about patents (created before software was patentable in the US)
- Example software projects licensed under the BSD License:
- More Git
- Continued Git Walkthrough
- Git Walkthrough 2
- Keeping up-to-date:
- Remotes
- pull vs. fetch
Week 5, 6
- Fixing a bug in VSCode
- https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute for instructions on building, running vscode
- https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/42726
- https://github.com/humphd/vscode/tree/good-first-experience-issue-42726#walkthrough-fixing-a-bug-in-visual-studio-code
- https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/ for tips on using the Developer Tools
Week 8
- Guest: David Bruant
- Open Data, Open Standards, Open Soure
- Building a Business on Open?
- Open Standards: ECMAScript and WHATWG, W3C
- How and Why to Read a Standard: example URL()
- Participation in Standards Processes: maintenance (e.g., docs, correcting things) and evolution (e.g., adding new aspects, standardizing ad hoc things)
- Case studies: iframe @sandbox "parallizable"
- Comparing “big” vs. “small” contribution: working on standards is about as big as it gets.
- Discussion open source (and technology in general) as it exists in Europe vs North America, trends, opportunities, etc.
- More on Open Standards
- Lab 4
- Get started on Release 0.2
Week 9
- Modern JS
- Learning Front-End and Open Source Collaboration, Case Study Part I
- Lab 5
- Continue working on Release 0.2
Week 10
- Testing
- Unit Tests
- Regression Tests
- Performance Tests
- Integration Tests
- Fuzz Tests
- Stress/Load Tests
- Smoke Tests
- JavaScript Testing Examples
- https://medium.com/welldone-software/an-overview-of-javascript-testing-in-2018-f68950900bc3
- Frameworks - mocha, jest
- Assertions - chai, Jest expect
- Test Runners - karma
- Browser Environments - Puppeteer, jsdom
- Code Coverage - istanbul
- Continuous Integration
- Most are free for Open Source projects
- Travis CI
- AppVeyor
- CircleCI
- Example in VSCode https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/pull/46117
- Writing tests in Bridge Troll
Week 11
- Case Study: Fixing a bug in Brave
- Read other students' open source experience fixing bugs for 0.2. Lots of great stories, lessons.
- Lab 6
Week 12
- More tests on Bridge Troll
- Finish Lab 6
Week 13
- Automating build, test, and deploy steps with Travis CI
- Travis uses YAML for configuration
- YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML
- Usually uses the .yml extension
- https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/
- Stages of a Travis CI Build
- Running Tests per Commit/PR
- https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/javascript-with-nodejs/
- Assumes you want to `npm install` and run `npm test`
- Therefore, you need a working install and test process via `package.json`
- Deploy to GitHub and gh-pages
- https://pages.github.com/
- https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/
- Enable HTTPS https://help.github.com/articles/securing-your-github-pages-site-with-https/
- Custom 404 page https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-custom-404-page-for-your-github-pages-site/
- https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/pages/
- Some example .travis.yml files in OSS projects
- Custom Domians