Online Tutorials are divided into INVESTIGATIONS that instruct students how to use the Unix/Linux OS.
Checking programs (called scripts) are used to check if students correctly completed the tutorial:
If the student makes a mistake, feedback is provided for students to troubleshoot and correct their mistake and re-run the checking program.
Once the program is run and indicates success, marks are awarded to the student.
Students MUST complete the weekly tutorial by Friday of the following week (by midnight) to get full marks (no exceptions).
Students are responsible to know weekly tutorial due dates. Again, these are indicated in the ULI101 WIKI weekly schedule.
Review Tutorials
There are 2 Review Tutorials that students perform to answer questions to test their Unix/Linux Knowledge.
The review tutorial contains sections to complete. As students correctly answer questions, marks are awarded.
If the student cannot answer a question, they cannot proceed to the next question.
Appropriate time will be provided for students to complete these review tutorials.
Students are responsible to know Review tutorial due dates. Again, these are indicated in the ULI101 WIKI weekly schedule.
Quizzes, Mid-term Test, and Examination
Students are responsible to know the time and location of quizzes, the midterm test, and the final exam.
Students who miss a quiz, test or examination will receive a mark of "0" unless they can submit appropriate documentation that clearly states why they were unable to complete their test or examination and the absence is discussed with faculty.
The above mentioned documentation must be provided within a week of your missed test or exam.
Students who legitimately miss a test may have the missed test mark derived from the marks of remaining tests or be given a make up test.
Cheating & Plagiarism
Each student should be aware of the College's policy regarding this subject. Seneca's Academic Integrity Policy will be strictly enforced.
Cheating will not be tolerated. For a first offense student's are given a grade of zero (0). For a second offense they may be expelled from the School of Information and Communications Technology. Each case is permanently noted on the student's transcript.
What constitutes cheating?
Plagiarism.....copying all or part of another person's assignment or test.
It does not matter whether the person you copy from is a registered or former student, or a non-student.
If you cut and paste something directly from the Internet and do not give appropriate credit.
If you copy text from a book and do not give appropriate credit.
If you copy entire pages from a book or the Internet and do not submit any original thoughts or work along with it.
All email communications with college staff must be made from your MySeneca account. This allows us to be certain of a student's identity.