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BTP300A Team 3 A2 Weekly Log

Week 5


  • (Pair over phone) - Divided functions between 2 people
  • (Pair over MSN) - Completed class prototypes and some declarations


  • (Pair over MSN) - Completed all functions but with bugs/errors
  • (Pair over MSN) - Started debugging program


  • (Pair over MSN) - Set frame boundaries
  • (Pair over MSN) - Fixed capture() bug causing undesired results

Week 6


  • (Pair over MSN) - Set boundaries for inner frame (doesn't go out of outer frame boundaries)
  • (Pair over MSN) - Fixed update bug when moving outer frame (inner frame didn't move along with outer one)


  • (Vasil) - Included comments for all functions/variables
  • (Zack) - Completed application program
  • (Zack) - Added additional "frame title" feature function


Week 8


  • (Pair over MSN) - Started CField
  • (Pair over MSN) - Fixed some minor issues with CFrame


  • (Pair over MSN) - Completed CField
  • (Vasil) - Started on CLabel class
  • (Zack) - Started on Cline and CButton

Week 9


  • (Vasil) - Completed CLabel Class
  • (Zack) - Completed CLine and CButton


  • (Pair over MSN) - Ran tests for each individual class
  • (Pair over MSN) - Fixed issues with clabel
  • (Pair over MSN) - CButton and CLine weren't working correctly due to incorrect edit() function

Week 10


  • (Zack) - Fixed issues with A1 edit() function
  • (Pair over MSN) - Completed and successfully ran tests for CLabel,CLine and Cbutton
  • (Pair over MSN) - CButton and CLine weren't working correctly due to incorrect edit() function


  • (Vasil) - Started working on CDialog
  • (Pair over MSN) - Completed and successfully ran tests for CLabel,CLine and Cbutton


  • (Vasil) - Cdialog completed and working
  • (Pair over MSN) - Debugged entire A2

Week 11


  • (Pair over MSN) - Fixed de-allocation bugs and minor frame movement issues
  • (Vasil) - Completed application program
  • A2 fully completed without errors on every platform