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Manage Class Settings

Brief Description:

User can manage class settings by defining preferred properties.

Scenario 1: Edit class settings.


  • User is authenticated.
  • User is accessing the home page.

Step# Actor System Data Used
1 Clicks the "Class Settings" button. Redirects to the "Class Settings" page. All fields in the 'course' table are used.
2 Chooses a class from the drop-down list labeled "Filter by class". Sets the "Filter by class" field to the respectively chosen class. All fields in the 'course' and 'section' tables are used.
3 Chooses a section from the drop-down list labeled "Section". Sets the "Section" field to the chosen section, and returns a respective list of changeable settings and a list of students registered in the class. All fields in the 'student', 'course', and 'section' tables are used.
4 Modifies default or previously edited settings (Allow private chat, Allow multiple user whiteboard, Allow recording, Allow to share camera). Modifications are respectively set. Database is not affected.
5 Optionally, chooses to edit student information by clicking the "Edit" button in a listed record. Returns a screen with editable fields regarding student details. All fields in the 'student' table are used.
6 Fills in editable fields and chooses to save student information. Validates fields and prompts if student information is correct. Database is not affected.
7 Confirms whether or not the student updated information is correct. Returns to the page that has the previously selected class and its respective section, and includes student updated information on the screen. Student updated information is saved in the database. All fields in the 'student' table are used.
8 (1). Chooses to save class settings, or (2). chooses to cancel class settings editing process. (1). Persists class settings details. (1). "Allow private chat", "Allow multiple user whiteboard", "Allow recording", and "Allow to share camera" definitions are updated in the database. All fields in the 'course' and 'section' tables are used.
(2). Discards updated class settings details. (2). Database is not affected.

Alternative event flow.

Successful Post-conditions:

  • User gets a feedback message informing that transaction was successful.
  • Updated class settings are now effective.
  • User returns to the home page.