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A++ - OOP344 20112

A++ everything to be edited

Project Marking Percentage

  • due right after study break

Group work:      XX%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: XX% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


  • repo id:

Trunk Status

  • committed/committing by
    id: emailid
    name: full name
    irc nick: mynick
    any other info

Team Members

Team Name (team x)
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Lixuan Guo OOP344B lguo28 lguo28 lguo28 Lixuan's programming blog
Jinhai Li OOP344B jli239 jli239 KyleLI Jinhai's seneca blog
Edward Hanna OOP344AB echanna echanna eliocharles Eliocharles
xiao xiao OOP344B xxiao11 xxiao11 xxiao11 xxiao11's blog


task name

  • task description
  • being done by team member name / not assigned
  • status


  • latest will be on top

topic, date
