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User talk:Koko0

Gone are the days when a man had a pair of trainers and a pair of Brogues to his name, now we rival the women. Is this a bad thing? not necessarily. Why should it only be women that get to look good every time they walk out the door? Shoes don make her sexy, shoes are an allusion that makes her and we men think that she looks sexy and although it's taken a while for men to catch on shoes can give us that same allusion of being sexy to the opposite sex, it also gives us the allusion that we are as good looking as James Bond. If buying a pair of shoes make you feel good then why not, women have been doing it for years now we can join in the fun.

The Italians are way ahead of the Brits when it comes to dressing up for the ladies. We are still years behind, just take a look at the shirts they wear, no straight up and down but fitted. They look after their bodies and no matter how old they are they are always dressed to please the ladies right down to their shoes and being men they don like pain so you can be assured that their shoes are made of the finest, softest leather money can buy.

Mens shoes is one of the hottest topics out there, last month alone over seven million searches were made on Google searching for mens shoes, no guesses as to who beat them, and not by much.

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