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OPS235 Lab 1 19

1,011 bytes added, 12:25, 24 September 2018
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[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}}
=Fedora 19 Installation (on Main Host - f19host)=
==Required Materials (Bring to All Labs)==
* Fedora 19 LIVE CD (not used in lab1)* Fedora 19 x86_64 Installation DVD(4.1 GB)* SATA Hard Disk (in removable disk tray- storage capacity at least 250 GB)
* USB Memory Stick
* Lab Logbook
(Note: Fedora 19 LIVE CD is not used in lab1)
Note: Follow the same procedure when booting to your external hard disk in future lab sessions at Seneca's labs.|
{{Admon/important|Manual vs Automatic Partitioning|By default, the Fedora19 installation DVD will want to automatically select the partitions that will be created during the installation process. It is important to NOT select the default partitioning process, since you will be required to make customized partitions such as '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' and also assign customized sizes for the partitions. Please carefully follow the instructions below for correct setup. Not carefully following the instructions below can result in having to redo the entire installation process!|
<li>Click the '''Done''' button, and click '''Accept Changes''' in the Summary of Changes dialog box to return to the installation summary screen.</li>
<li>Click '''Begin Installation''' to proceed with the install. </li> <li>During the installation process, you will need should notice two icons to create a password and create a regular user account. You are required to create a root password and at least you must create one regular user account(user creation).{{Admon/important|Creating Effective and Easy-To-Remember Passwords|Pick a password that is hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!"). A password strength indicator is provided to recommend if the password is weak or strong. Obviously, a stronger password is better.|}}</li>
{{Admon/important|Creating Effective and Easy-To-Remember Passwords|Pick a password that is hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!"). A password strength indicator is provided to recommend if the password is weak or strong. Obviously, a stronger password is better.|}}
<livalue="4">Note: the "Performing post-installation setup tasks" runs for several minutes. When the installation process is complete, a screen will prompt the user to finish configuration (or to confirm completion, and ask the ). The user should make certain to remove the DVD, and reboot prior to rebooting the computerfrom the hard disk drive. </li> <li> Write in your lab log-book the time it took to perform this DVD Fedora install.</li> <li>Remove Finish the Fedora Installation DVDpost-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and click '''Reboot'''then login to your computer account and your created (i.e. your name).</li>
<li>Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your computer account and your created (i.e. your name).</li>
{{Admon/tip|Unlocking Screen &amp; Disabling Screen Lock|By default, your account will go into screen-saver (lock-out) mode after a few minutes of inactivity. Usually, you will need to enter your user password to return to your desktop. '''The Gnome 3 desktop environment requires that you click and drag your mouse pointer upwards in order to access and enter your password'''.
{{Admon/important|Screensaver|By default, Although locking your account will go into screen-saver mode after is a few minutes of inactivity. Usuallygood security precaution, you will need to enter your user password to return to your desktopit can be annoying while performing labs. To '''The Gnome 3 desktop environment requires that you disable''' the screen lock feature: '''Right-click and drag ''' on your mouse pointer upwards username at the top right-hand corner, click '''Settings''' in order the context menu, click the '''Privacy''' icon, and click the "'''on'''" value by the lock option to turn ''Automatic Screen Lock'' to access and enter your password'''OFF'''. When finished, click the '''Close''' button, and then close the Settings screen.|
  <livalue="7">Proceed to Investigation 2</li>
{{Admon/importanttip|Using Superuser Privilege|Throughout this course, you may need to execute commands using the privileges of the the administrative user (username "root", also called the "superuser"). To switch from your account to the root account, type the command: <code>su</code>
After switching user notice and make note of the change in your shell prompt. Also note the difference in output for the <code>whoami</code> and <code>pwd</code> commands.
# Boot your computer from your hard drive (see instructions above to display boot menu by pressing F10). Log into your regular user account.# Open a terminal by clicking the '''Activities '''menu, and typing in the search area: '''gnome-terminal'''. A terminal program icon should appear: click on the icon to open a shell terminal.
# Issue the following command: <code>'''su -'''</code>
# Using the <code>rpm</code> command: you can also use the following commands to list all the installed packages, and the total number of packages installed:
:: <code>'''rpm -qa | wc -l'''</code>
<li value="45">The <code>'''-q'''</code> option means query, and the <code>'''-a'''</code> option means all (in other words, query all installed software packages).</li>
<li>Enter the following command and record the number:
<li value="67">Some of the files on your system were installed with the software packages, and some were created by system activity (for example, by creating your Learn account and by logging in). If you know the package name (from the <code>install.log</code>), you can list all the files that were installed from the package by using the following command:</li>
:: <code>'''rpm -q -l package_name'''</code><br />(where '''package_name''' represents the name of the ''application'' or ''package'')
<li value="78">This combines the <code>'''-q'''</code> (query) option with the <code>'''-l'''</code> (list filenames) option</li>
<li>You can pipe the outupt through <code>'''wc -l'''</code> to count the number of lines:</li>
:: <code>'''rpm -ql package_name| wc -l'''</code>
<li value="910">To obtain specific information regarding a specific program, you can combine the <code>'''-q'''</code> (query) option with the <code>'''-i'''</code> (info) option. Issue the following command to obtain detailed information regarding the '''gnome-terminal''' application:</li>
::<code>'''rpm -qi gnome-terminal'''</code>
<li value="1011">To find out the name that you have assigned to your Linux system, enter the command: <code>'''hostname'''</code></li>
<li>Issue the following command: <code>'''hostname f19host'''</code></li>
<li>Re-issue the <code>hostname</code> command. What happened?</li>
{{Admon/important|Pathname for USB Stick|The procedure has changed to refer to the usb device for distributions prior to Fedora19 (eg. /media/usb-device-name). For Fedora19, the new device pathname is:<br /><b>/run/media/userloginid/usb-device-name</b> .<br /><br />Note: You can press the <b>tab</b> key to guess what the userloginname/usb-device-name is...}}
<li value="16">Copy the file '''ps.lst''' from your '''/root''' directory to a USB memory key for backup purposes (or Note: you can also use the '''scp''' command to backup the ps.lst file to your matrix accountif you wish).</li>
{{Admon/tip |Backup up to your USB Key|When your USB key is inserted into your computer, the device is recognised and assigned a name. You can view your USB drive by issuing the command <code>ls /run/media/yourusername</code> and view the mounted devices. Then you can issue a Linux command as "super-user" to copy the files to your USB device.}}
<li value="17">View the section below to learn about and perform an update on your fresh Fedora install (you may have to find spare time to perform this install if you are running short on lab time). '''Do <u>not</u> proceed to Investigation 3 without performing an update'''.</li>
{{Admon/tip |Consider Remaining Lab Time Prior to Performing Upgrade|'''Carefully check the remaining time in your lab prior to performing an upgrade on the operating system'''. It can take 30 - 90 minutes to perform an upgrade...}}
{{Admon/tip |Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|To be an effective Linux administrator, you need to become comfortable on issuing Linux commands in a shell, and use resources to quickly learn how to properly formulate Linux commands...<br /><br />You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. These tutorials were designed for another course called "OPS435", but you can still use them for practice. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following 4 tutorials (you can copy and paste these separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />'''/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi-tutorial'''<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book:
{{Admon/important|SELinux|SELinux stands for '''Security-Enhanced Linux'''. It is a component that helps to better secure the system to protect against intrusion (hackers). Usually, SELinux is enabled upon the default install of Fedora. SELinux can be a good thing, if you take care of it and are aware that it is enabled or disabled. It is recommended that you '''disable SELinux by default''' for this course, since you will be communicating with other virtual machines and can cause machines NOT to communicate.}}
# Disabling SELinux on Fedora is actually quite simple, just edit the file '''/etc/selinux/config''' and change the following line to look like this:
* Correct hostname (f19host)
* Has correct size partitions for: (Hint: Can issue '''lsblk''' (listblock command))
:* '''root /''' (20GB50GB), '''/boot''' (500MB), '''/home''' (30GB40GB), '''swap''' (8GB)
:* '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' (100GB)
# What is the home directory for the user "root"?
# How do you determine the host name of your GNU/Linux workstation?
# How do you determine the kernel version of your Linux system? Why is it important to know your Linux Kernel version?
# Why is it important to have a listing of running processes after your Linux system installation?
# What command can display the NIC's MAC address?