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3,599 bytes added, 18:06, 1 April 2013
'''Late penalties: 10% per day'''
In this assignment you'll be working in a team to digitize an existing lecture. That means filming the lecture, editing the audio and video, converting it to formats that the popular browsers can play, and using the newest web technologies such as Popcorn.js and Pdf.js to display the lecture in a web browser.
The learning module your create will be in a webpage created by you, but can be easily integrated into any other website using just copy-paste (and uploading the necessary files, of course).
= Teams =
* Audio/video post-processing (the quality must be good)
* Exporting the resulting video for the web
* Using popcorn.js and pdf.js for your video* All other web stuff as needed (CSS, HTML, maybe PHPother JavaScript)
As soon as you decide, add your names to the following list (one bullet row per team):.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"|+ ! # !! Members !! Film Who/When !! Progress report|-| 0 || Example1, Example2, Example3 || '''Tom / 12 Mar 13:30. Done.''' || 14 Mar|-| 1 || Meet Godhani, Husain Fazal, Robert Stanica, Preshoth Paramalingam|| '''Jordan / 18 Mar 08:00. Done.''' || '''14 Mar done'''# |-| 2 || Vince Lee, Alex Craig, Mark Aronin|| '''Chris / 7 Mar 14:25. Done.''' || # '''14 Mar done'''|-| 3 || Neil Guzman, Tudor Minea, Frank Panico|| '''Mehmet / 7 Mar 13:30. Done''' ||'''14 Mar done'''# |-| 4 || Sasha Atijas, Jonathan Cheung, Barath Kumar, Rubinder Singh|| '''Tom / 14 Mar 11:40. Done.''' || '''14 Mar done'''|-# | 5 || Michael Veis, Nitin Prakash, Shajinth Pathmakulaseelan, Krishanthan Lingeswaran|| '''Chris / 7 Mar 14:25. Done.''' || # '''14 Mar done'''|-| 6 || Natalia Levkevitch, Radney Alquiza, Edward Sin || '''Chris / 7 Mar 14:25. Done.''' || '''14 Mar done'''|-# | 7 || Aakash Dhawan, Chad Arthur, Nan Zhaou|| '''Peter Liu / 7 Mar 15:20. Done.''' ||'''15 Mar Done'''# |-| 8 || Ali Shoja, Melvin Berena, Jeff Lee, GaganGagandeep || '''Mcintyre / 12 Mar 13:30. Done''' || # '''14 Mar done'''|-| 9 || Ari Keleshian, Simon de Almeida|| Libby Langer / 14 March @ 3:20 || '''Done'''# |-| 10 || Dale Karp, Saad Mohammad, Saul Grybas|| '''Tom / 12 Mar 11:40 T4042. Done.''' ||'''13 Mar Done'''# |-| 11 || Travis Cole, Anh Viet, HunterJansen || Tom / 14 Mar 13:30 T2107 || '''21 Mar. Done'''# |-| 12 || Hye Young Choi, Andrew Li, Leo Turalba|| '''Chris / 8 Mar 09:00. Done.''' || '''13 Mar Done'''|-# | 13 || Sydney Collins, ??Hadi Alshakhori, Michael Dawson || Tom / 14 Mar 15:20 T4042. ||'''15 Mar Done'''|}
= Preparation =
* You'll have to film an entire lecture and the quality will matter, so you might want to do a couple of test runs first.
* In the first week of class after break week you will have a guest speaker talk to you about Popcorn.js and maybe PopcornMaker (the latter may or may not be useful for you).
* You will also need to use PDF.js to render PDF slides next to your video.
* You'll need a video of a reasonable size (that can be streamed over a typical residential internet connection).
* You'll need that video to play in the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
In this project the main result of editing will be removing pauses that don't need to be in an online lecture. This would be realtively simple in a short video but will take a lot of work for a video this size.
That means you'll have to watch all of it and use Windows Movie Maker or iMovie (or another tool if you prefer) to delete the pauses. While you're doing this - make notes of times where in the video you'll want to insert events (see the Webpage/Content section below), you'll save yourself some time that way.
If you recorded audio separately - you will want to add the audio track and sync it with the original video before you make any changes to the video, otherwise it will take way too much effort to add the audio later.
= Webpage =
* The team number and all the team members' names.
* A list of the equipment you used.
* Where you got the website template.
* Links to any code samples written by someone else that you used in the assignment. You may use online resources or Chris's demo code from here: [[File]from here], but you have to be very clear which code you didn't write yourself or else it's plagiarism.
On the video page there will be a title, the name of the presenter, a short description of the lecture, and two main components:
== Content ==
Whatever the presenter is showing on the projector should be very well visible in your webpage. There's no way to film that with a regular camera. You could have a screen recording or a specialised device to do this, but we have another, better option.
We're going to use Popcorn.js to associate content with certain times in the video. That means you will need screenshots of slides that the speaker used. You can use LibreOffice to export a slideshow as PDF and then use another tool to make an image out of each slide. If the speaker is showing a webpage - instead of showing a screenshot of the webpage you should load the webpage itself in the content div.
The content should appear when it becomes relevant (typically when the speaker switches to that slide/webpage) and dissapear when it's no longer needed.
You should have at least 15 events for your lecture. If for some reason you filmed someone who didn't have slides or webpages to show - you can replace them with source code they were showing or what you think would be useful reference webpages related to the presentation.
= Submission =
FF== Progress Report == In week 10 (the week before the assignment is due) your entire team has to meet with me and show the status of the project. Not a standup presentation, but just a chat to make sure you're on track to completing everything on time. Most importantly: * What equipment you used, and where you got it from.* Whether you had any issues doing the recording.* Show me the raw recording you've made.* Tell me your plan for doing the editing.* Tell me the plan for creating the content section. This progress report will be worth 20% of the assignment. == Final Submission == Test your project in Firefox and Internet explorer. Since we don't have a place to host such large files - you'll have to submit the assignment on a CD or DVD. It will contain: * Your webpage, fully working.* The original, unmodified video, inside a folder called "raw". Please write "BTC640/IEPRO608 Asg 2 Team X" on the disk.