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OSTEP Meeting 2013-02-14

3,910 bytes added, 12:11, 14 February 2013
Created page with ' Category:OSTEP Meeting <!-- Prior meeting notes available at Sample meeting page address http://zenit.sene…'

[[Category:OSTEP Meeting]]

<!-- Prior meeting notes available at

Sample meeting page address -->

OSTEP Team Meeting 2013-02-07

= Updates & Plans =

== Jon ==

* Continuing on armv6hl builds

** About 9600 packages built out of ~12000 - gcc, glibc {fossjon}

* Upstreaming armv6hl changes - Tuesday (ct+fossjon)

* Keep queuing, fixing errors (fossjon)

* Add proper users to japan

* Daily stats generation

== Andrew Greene ==

* Released RC1

** Exploring a newer 2G image file

* Keyboard & timezones in firstboot - bugfix

* Wiki updates {partially done}

* Need firmware update with sample code patches (ctyler)

* Problem with garbage tickets being filed as tickets in Trac

** Need a guest login to prevent bots (ctyler)

** Consider some volunteers for Triage?

* Testing a updatable friendly kernel package

* Setting up external createrepo nfs hosts for Japan

* Verify or que raspi related f18-rpfr-v6 packages {base + commonly used}

* Composing future images {sigul signing + mash repo + compose}?

== Andrew Oatley-Willis ==

* Working on Trac admin tools

** User PW change working

** Admin add/remove/change of PWs is working

** Test and deploy by Wed Feb 13 (oatley)

* Backup keys {priority}

** Will check and fix up (oatley)

* Monitor db reads/writes speeds and /mnt/koji space on Japan {storage setup / backup?}

== Dmitry Kozunov ==

* Busy with tests! Do not add tasks!

* guipio front-end (DarthJava)

== Chris Tyler ==

* guipio back-end (ctyler)

* Pidora planning (ctyler)

* Partner discussions / grant docs

* Pheonix transition plans

* Repoclosure report

== To Do ==

* Physical Arrangement/Layout

** Move everything from the closet to the lab

** Storage of things moved {organization}

** Test systems?

* Builders

** Smarttop kernel update for ssd usage

** Update Pandas for build use

** Remaining Trimslices

** Samsungs order -- Arndales shipping soon

** Consistant OS/Kernels across builders with a v6 chroot inside?

* Hub/Servers

** Main Koji hub/web setup

** Separate DB storage setup/changes?

** Separate Repo storage setup/changes?

= Pidora 18 =

* Check name with Spot

* Updated splash screen

* QA

** Test multiple video configurations

** Test on Rev 1, Rev 2, 256M, 512M, various card sizes

* Release

** Pi Day!

** Mirror via RPF including repos

** Video demo of features

*** Feature list

*** Feature screenshots

*** Feature videos

*** Overview video

** Installation

*** Instructions for various platforms/card burning tools

*** Video of various installation tools

*** Explanation of how imaging works

** Headless

*** Instructions for headless setup

*** ip-info enabled by default - both ip-flash and ip-read

* Hacking features

** quick2wire library

** rpi.gpio library

** other hacking libraries

** sample programs for accessing various devices

** guipio experimental program

** include basic dev tools sufficient to build the sample programs

** include raspberry pi pinout information

* Magnagement

** updates-testing repository

** mirrorlist URL (MirrorManager?)

* Usability

** Accessibility suite?


** Ensure that the resizer does not excessively slow down the first startup

** Optimize fast boot and shutdown

** Set firefox default homepage to Pidora home page (

* Brand

** Pidora logo

** Pidora web site

* Store

** Provide a way to use the store (web helper? application? alien?)

* Community

** Invite selected beta testers -> encourage them to prepare blog posts etc.

** Provide an easy bug reporting mechanism

** Build some buzz around the release

* Deals

** Make arrangements with one or more vendors for preloaded cards

* Documentation

** Installation instructions written by Seneca techdoc students?