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Weekly Schedule 20123 - OOP344

4,152 bytes added, 21:47, 7 December 2012
To Do 10
* How to Install
** [ XChat]
* Great 15 minutes tutorial that will give you basic understanding of Git
** [ Try GitHub]
== Week 2 - Sep 9 ==
=== This Week 9 ===
* Monday, Midterm TEST
* Working with Git and github
* Linked lists (Queue)
=== To Do 9 ===
=== Resources 9 ===
* [ Etherpad Notes Nov 2/12]* Lecture video for Git: Challenge! ===Add the following methods to queue:* unsigned int size(){ int count; while(!isEmpty()) count++; } return count;} * int operator[](unsigned int index){; : Note* Did you mean int ret, i;&? for(i=0; i<index; i++){=== Challenge Answers ====* Yun Yang's version of these two methods is at ret=remove();* Amir Mobasseri's version can be find [ here!] }* Revised version of Amir's code [ Michael's blog] : - Also I've noticed that Fardad did not write the return ret;}variable as a reference, which made it impossible to edit, as done in line 13 of queuetester.cpp, that is updated that as well.* Michael Wang's version of the functions [ Michael's blog]* Prasanth's Version - [ Blog Entry]* Peter's Version -[]Amir Mobasseri* Stanislav's version can be find Version - [ here] - I decided to go a bit further and I did my operator[] method able to add new Nodes to the end of the Queue if we have index > size, comments are greatly appreciated.* Minh Khoa (Ken) Nguyen's Version - ['s blog]: -queueI actually go with side. I added a variable into the node.* Carlos Conejo's version (I went a little further: it adds a node with data 0 if you try to reference past the current size so it does not crash): ['s Blog].* Linpei Fan's Version - [ here]Linpei's blog.
== Week 10 - Nov 4 ==
=== This Week 10===
* Project Milestone 0.2
* bitwise operators
*# and, or, not, exclusive or
*# shifts
*# determining the value of bits
*#: masks
*# setting the value of bits
*#: '''"mask AND value"''' to set to "0" (ex. mask for 3rd bit: 1111 0111)
*#: '''"mask OR value"''' to set to "1" (ex. mask for 3rd bit: 0000 1000)
=== To Do 10===
* [[The CIO Framework - OOP344 20123#0.2 Milestone|Project Milestone 0.2 (Due Monday Nov 12th 23:59)]]
* Challege
*# setBit(unsigned int val, unsigned int bitNo, bool bitVal);
*#: Sets the "bitNo" bit of val to the "bitVal" value
*# char* bits(unsigned int val)
*#: returns a character string holding the bit pattern of val (i.e cout<<bits(0xF7)<<endl, will print 11110111)
*# write the void prnBits(unsigned int val) function (wrote in class) in only one line.
* I tried two of the functions at Yun Yang's oop344
* My drafts on char* bits(unsigned int val) : (Diaoqiang He)
* I have the solutions for all of three functions at my blog - (Linpei Fan)
* I did the void prnBits function in one line:
* void prnBits(int val){
* for(unsigned int m = 1 << (sizeof(val)*8 -1); m;printf("%d", !!(m & val)),m=m>>1);
* }
* Alina Shtramwasser - email: [ ashtramwasser1]
* Carlos Conejo's Challenges in : [ Carlos's Blog].
=== Resources 10===
== Week 11 - Nov 11 ==
=== This Week 11===
* Templates** functions** classes === To Do 11===* [[The CIO Framework - OOP344 20123#0.3 Milestone|Project Milestone 0.3 - Part 1 (Due Saturday Nov 17th 23:59)]]** CField, CDialog and CLabel * [[The CIO Framework - OOP344 20123#0.3 Milestone|Project Milestone 0.3 - Part 2 (Due Sunday Nov 18th 23:59)]]**CLineEdit 
=== Resources 11===
*: to do merging on local repo and basic conflict handling
* Template Specialization and Partial Template specilization
== Week 12 - Nov 18 ==
=== To Do 13===
=== Resources 13===
* function of cstring*: strcat :*: strstr :*: strcpy :
== Week 14 - Dec 2 ==
== Week 15 - Dec 9 (Exam Week) ==
=== This Week 15===
* Final Exam
*: Room: S3031
*: Time: 11:30
*: Date: Wednesday Dec 12th
=== To Do 15===
=== Resources 15===