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OPS235 Lab 6 - Fedora17

222 bytes added, 19:53, 3 January 2014
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{{Admon/caution|Draft Lab|This lab has NOT been released for regular distribution. When the lab is ready to be released, this caution banner will disappear.}}
= Configuring a Network Using Virtual Machines =
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
== Lab Preparation ==
{{Admon/important | Update your systems | It is advisable to perform a <code>yum update</code> on your Fedora host and all 3 VM's.}}
{{Admon/important | Live disc installations and system-config-network | The '''fedora1''' VM was installed from Live CD. It is missing the GUI Network Configuration tool we will be using. Use the command <code>yum install system-config-network</code> to install it.}}
{{Admon/important | Backup your VMs before proceeding | Stop all of your VMs and backup your VM disk images. Do not start the VMs until told to start them.}}
== Configuring a Network Using Virtual Machines ==
=== Investigation 1: How do you create a new virtual network. ===
{{Admon/note | Use the f16host f17host | Complete the following steps on your '''f16hostf17host''' computer system.}}
Before configuring our network we want to turn off dynamic network configuration for our Virtual Machines by turning off the "default" virtual network.
# On your '''f16hostf17host''' machine start Virtual Machine Manager
# In the Virtual Machine Manager dialog box, Select '''Edit'''-> '''Connection Details'''.
# In the '''Hosts''' Details dialog box, select the '''Virtual Networks''' tab
'''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
=== Investigation 2: How do you configure a static network using <code>system-config-network</code>. ===
#* List the contents of the directory and you should see 2 different types of files, network config scripts and network configuration files.
#* look for the config file for your original interface, it should be named <code>ifcfg-eth0</code>
#* Copy that file to <code>ifcfg-eth1eth<b>N</b></code> or whatever name matches where <b>N</b> relates to your current eth interfacenumber (we will use <b>eth1</b> as an example).
#* Edit the new file for you interface and give it the following settings:
#**DEVICE="eth1" <-- '''or the interface name YOU have '''
# Save the file and then restart the network connection by issuing the commands: <code>ifdown eth1</code> and then <code>ifup eth1</code><br /><br ><b>NOTE: </b>If there are errors, check that the hardware address in the config file matches the hardware address of the device its configuring<br /><br />
# Verify your configuration as you did before.
# Finally the kickstart file used to install this VM did not set the hostname. Edit the file <code>/etc/sysconfig/network</code> and set the hostname to <code>fedora3</code>
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 fedora1 f16hostf17host fedora1 fedora2
{{Admon/note | Use the f16host f17host | Complete the following steps on your '''f16hostf17host''' computer system.}}