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3 bytes added, 18:55, 17 September 2012
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{{OOP344 Index | 20123}}
= Skynet =
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: xx% (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: xx% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo id:
=== Trunk Status ===
--start of sample--
* committed/committing by
*: Learn ID: [ mmwang2]
*: Name: Michael Wang
*: Date: Sept 17, 2012
*: Github ID: MichaelMWang
*: Contribution: main.cpp
--end of sample--
== Project Marking Percentage ==
* due right after study break
Group work: xx% (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: xx% + (50 <= xx <= 75)
Total 100%
== Repository ==
* repo id:
=== Trunk Status ===
--start of sample--
* committed/committing by
*: Learn ID: [ mmwang2]
*: Name: Michael Wang
*: Date: Sept 17, 2012
*: Github ID: MichaelMWang
*: Contribution: main.cpp
--end of sample--
== Tasks ==