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BTP300B Team 4 Weekly Log

645 bytes added, 22:20, 19 November 2012
Week 11
==Week 1==
*9/03 10 (Monday): Pair Programming in the Computer Lab.*9/05 (Wed): Pair Programming at Learning Commons.*9/06 (Thursday): Debug the display function at home (Peter).==Week 2 ==
==Week 2 ==*9/17 (Monday) Worked on A1.*9/17 (Monday) Working on application that uses a1, and one that breaks it.
==Week 3 ==
*9/23 Assignment 1 completed
==Week 4 ==
==Week 5 ==
==Week 6 ==
==Week 7 ==
==Week 8 ==
==Week 9 ==
*Barath - assigned each member a section of the assignment. Worked on CDialog and CLabel
*Krishanthan - Worked on CButton and did pair programming with Barath for fixing errors in CDialog and CLabel
*Filza - Worked on CLine and CField
==Week 10 ==
*Filza - Compiled and tested code on g++ (matrix)
*Barath - Compiled and tested code on cl (windows)
*Krishanthan - Compiled and tested code on bcc32 (windows)
*Finished assignment 2 completely.
==Week 11 ==
*Submitted assignment 2 on blackboard
*Decided on a few ideas for assignment 3
==Week 12 ==
==Week 13 ==
==Week 14 ==