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Mini Bio, last updated June 2010
[ Other recommended C++ books]
== Mini Bio, last updated June 2010 September 2012 ==
David Perit is a student at Seneca, in the CPA program. He likes computer games, books, and other fun things.
He works I worked for the center Center for development Development of open technology Open Technology (CDOT) at Seneca College@Yorkfor 16 months on various projects including Uprooted at 4 of those months were spent working on the Gladius game engine at Mozilla Toronto with Mozilla employees. He is enjoying Some of my work on it tremendouslycan be seen at
At one point he was a Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo, before he realized that Computer Science isn't the right program for learning software development. After spending a bunch of time at Sun Life writing documentation for the Configuration Management team, he moved to Toronto and started attending the CPA program, which is infinitely better for him than Computer Science was.
Before he was a Computer Science student, he worked at RWDI in Guelph on the internal software team, maintaining and updating their intranet, as well as designing and writing a complete program for an external client over the course of 4 months. He acquired around a year of experience working with the .NET framework and C#, spread between versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the framework. He also acquired a bunch of experience with MS-SQL.