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Sezar Gantous
My e-mail: []
I'm Sezar Gantous in CPA program. Over the semesters at Seneca I got really into Web programing more than anything. You can check out my lab in int422 class(using ASP.NET/C# with a lot of JavaScript / jQuery and some AJAX) gpu610 wiki: [ here], and the project that I'm currently working on [http:wiki//warpindex.senecac.on.caphp/int422_121a13GPU610/Project/ hereSSD SSD](yes it's not as stable and efficient since it's a school project and there is only one release!) which is best viewed on FireFox8+. The current oop344 project is going smoothly. I really hope that we get to R1.0 and build the application. I guess we can only work hard and see...
you can contact me throughgam670 wiki:[* Team_A*]
My e-mailgam666 Blog: [mailtohttp:sganouts@learn// sganouts@learn.senecaccom/ The blog] oop344 Blog: [http://777sblog.onblogspot.cacom/ The other blog]
oop344 Blog: [ The blog]
IRC nick: NULLbyte
Private static void Life(myLife)