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181 bytes added, 21:11, 11 February 2012
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# Create a new virtual device
# Give it a name (whatever you want), select a target (there's only one choice)
# This is important: '''Do not create a large SD Card'''. Since everything is in RAM you only have a few hundred megs of fake disk space, so even though a 16MB SD card is unrealistic, we won't need more than that for anything we'll be doing. If you create a much larger SD card you will simply run out of virtual disk space and everything will crash.
# Start your device, and wait for it to boot. You can play around in there, this is what an Android phone is like.
# Leave the emulator running, and go back to eclipse. You can close the SDK and AVD Manager now.
# Select your package in the package explorer, and click the green Run button. Run it as an Android application. This will compile your app and run it on your phone (if it's connected) or on the emulator (if it's running).
# Go back to main.xml and make the app a login screen. Change the hello world text (using an existing or new @string resource) to "YourName's fancy app", add username/password textviews and fields, and a button. Make sure your new fields and button text are @string resources.
# Experiment with other widgets and layouts available through the GUI.
# When you app is ready - export it as an unsigned application package.
= Lab submission =
This is a marked lab. Please submit it using Moodle (Lab5).
Submit a : * A zip file (or another compressed format) of your project and a (this will be under the ~/workspace directory),* The APK file,* A screenshot of the emulator running your