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OPS235 Lab 4 - Fedora17

3 bytes removed, 20:07, 2 February 2012
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<li value="8">Boot the system. You should now have both <code>/dev/vda</code> and <code>/dev/vdb</code>.</li>
<li>Record the size of the volume group and the amount of free space (Hint: use a command that you learned in a previous lab).</li>
<li>Refer to the following tutorial to use the <code>fdisk</code> command: :* [ Partitioning with fdisk]</li>
<li>Use the <code>fdisk</code> command to create a primary partition for <code>/dev/vdb</code> with a single partition (number 1) that fills the whole disk.</li>
<li>Check the messages printed when <code>fdisk</code> exits -- you may need to reboot the system in order for the new partition table to take effect.</li>