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OPS235 Lab 4 - Fedora17

203 bytes added, 15:44, 27 January 2012
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:* In this lab, you are going to learn how to properly adjust your various Linux file systems create and format partitions. You will be creating partitions by using both graphical and managing LVM both graphically (fedora1, fedora2) as well as command -line (fedora3)using LVM and other Linux utilities.
:* Also in this lab, you will learn how to manage (add and remove software packages , delete, modify) user accounts on your different Linux Fedora systems. You will also learn how to create and maintain groups to allow users to share and protect data.
#Identify and define major entries in the <code>/etc/passwd</code> file.#Learn about partitions, and how to add "virtual partitions with LVM concepts including Physical / Logical Volumes and Volume Groups.#Learn how to properly resize file-systems using LVM, and understand the consequences to the filesystem due create a "virtual partition" in a Virtual Machine.#Learn how to mistakescreate a "virtual partition in your f16host disk pack.#Learn how to add and remove software packages using RPMand modify user accounts.#Learn how to create and manage groups.
{{Admon/tip|SELinux relabelling may be required|Your system may report that the files are not present in the new /home filesystem when they are clearly there. This is due to the Security-Enhanced Linux system (SELinux) preventing access to the files, because the files were tampered with (moved) and are no longer recognized as home directory content. You can fix this problem by restoring the file context labels so that SELinux accepts the files as valid home directory content: <code>restorecon -r /home</code>}}
'''Answer the Investigation 4 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
# Grow the root filesystem to fill the available space.
'''Answer the Investigation 5 2 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
= User/Group Management =