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Winter 2011 OPS235 Weekly Schedule

223 bytes added, 10:31, 3 February 2012
OPS235 Weekly Schedule
* Logical Volume Management
* Software Package management with rpm and yum
* [[Logical Volume Management]]
* [ LVM HOWTO] - Read chapters 1 - 3
* [ Package ManagementUse the RPM Utility]* [ Using the YUM Utility] 
:[[OPS235 Lab 3:(N/A)]]
|'''Week 4'''
January 30 - February 3
* User and Group Management
Continue working on:* Continue Logical Volume Management* Installing / Removing Applications with Yum
* [ UID and GID explained]
* Partitioning Creating / Formatting Hard DisksManaging Virtual Partitions
* Mounting / Unmounting File Systems
* Automate Automatically Mount File Mounting* Backing Systems Upon Boot-up MBR* Customizing System Startup (/etc/rc.d directories)User and Group Management
* [[Logical Volume Management]]
* [ Partitioning with fdisk]
* [ Mounting / Unmounting File-systems]* [ UID and GID explained]
:[[OPS235 Lab 4]]:(N/A)