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OPS235 Lab 3 - Fedora17

254 bytes added, 10:31, 18 January 2012
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:* Also in this lab, you will learn how to add and remove software packages on your different Linux systems.
:* You will also learn how to manage users on your Linux systems including the addition, removalor user accounts, as well as managing groups.
#Perform a GNULearn about LVM concepts including Physical /Linux installation Logical Volumes and Volume Groups.#Learn how to properly resize file-systems using LVM, and understand the Fedora 16 distributionconsequences to the filesystem due to mistakes.#Investigate information during Learn how to add and after the Fedora 16 installationremove software packages using RPM.#Learn how to manage user accounts (add, remove).#Perform an upgrade after a recent installationLearn how to manage groups to allow / deny user access to files and directories.