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2,712 bytes added, 17:24, 16 January 2012
Notes / Error / Challenge
: \\PRD422\cl_serv\Net\InTireNet\Development Environment\How to...
== Notes / Error / Challenge ==
* [ Plan view] still not working
* In Continuing Education project in Visual Studio, when I tried to open the .aspx page in the Desing mode instead of Source, it took a long time to refresh because it needed to render all the controls. '''So, never open it in Design'''
== Note ==
* stsadm.exe can be found here:
: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN
: Go to application Managment in 'Central Admin' While the selected web application is yours, then 'Create Site Collection' using any template and use 'mossAdmin' as the admin of the site. (Titles->MyApps, Url->/Sites/VNSuperAlert)
* For deploying a solution again
: Instead of retracting the solution, deletesolution from command line would work with -override option then deploy again(go to the .wsp file location, then -> stsadm -o deletesolution -name whatever.wsp -override)* Applying a change to the solution: Change something in the code (VS), then build the solution, drag and drop the created .dll file from the /bin to the GAC -> (C:\Windows\Assembly): Restart IIS through admin: Replace the .aspx page in: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CanTire.ContinuingEducation\ with the one in the project: When the changes are fine and need to deploy, create the .wsp file again and deploy it * To Deploy Continuing Education: Craete a web application -> use default: Create Site Collection -> name:Home, admin: mossAdmin: Run the new application -> Create -> Sites -> name:Continuing Education, url:/ContinuingEducation: Upload the site template -> ContinueEd.stp: Deploy the solution to the Central Admin* To add a default item to a list in [ use item.Insert(position, value)]: Do it after DataBind()* To debug a webpart: Do the change in both .cs and .aspx pages -> e.g. ContinuingEducation.Layouts.ApplicationNew.aspx: Build the solutiom and drag the new .dll file to the GAC (Assembly): Copy the aspx page from the project and paste it to the solution package in the Sharepoint -> e.g. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CanTire.ContinuingEducation\: Restart IIS: Click on Debug -> Attach to process -> w3wp.exe: Run the application on IE -> the breakpoints will be hit* All the fields are created from columns of the Sharepoint application into the field.xml.* To know what is inside a .wsp file and what is it supposed to do:: change the extension of .wsp to .cab and double click -> you will see the list of files in the .wsp file: In the project in Visual Studio, click on .ddf file and you can see the process and the mapped directories.: Also manifest.xml and feature.xml will give some information.
== Resources ==
: Good Videos @
: [ Microsoft book]
: [ how to deploy saved site template]
: [ stsadm]
: [ Steps to install wsp file in stsadm] -> very good! (uninstall feature, deactivate feature...)
* '''Team Rules'''
: [ csla Definition]
: [ brilliantFantastic!]
== Documentation ==
* [[User:Minooz/CanTire/Doc | CanTire Documentation]]