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OPS335 Installation Lab

340 bytes removed, 19:27, 4 January 2012
Booting your system
#*Run and record the output of the 'uname -a' command.
At this point you have a basic Fedora 16 installed and updated. All the rest of our labs will assume you have this basic system running. If, for any reason, your system becomes corrupted during the semester, you'll have to redo this lab to be able to continue with the remaining uncompleted labs. You are responsible for YOUR system. If you do not perform back-ups you have taken this risk on yourself. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for anyone else.
{{Admon/important | Live disc installations and system-config-network | The fedora host was installed from Live CD. It is missing the GUI Network Configuration tool we will be using.}}
{{Admon/important|Unbind your MAC address|Before moving your disk pack to another system, [[Unbinding MAC Addresses on Fedora|unbind your MAC address]].}}
== Completing the Lab ==