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SQLite Adapter StandUp Reports

72 bytes added, 13:33, 21 November 2011
no edit summary
What have I worked on since the last stand up?
*Discussion about upgrade step issues* Review Grace's numerous commits
What am I working on before the next stand up?
*Finalizing upgrade step process* Column Meta Data within SQLiteSchemaManager
What is blocking me?
*upgrade step preferred process
What am I blocking (or about to block)?
*upgrade step in Sprint 2
=Week 8: Nov 14=
What have I worked on since the last stand up?
What am I working on before the next stand up?
What is blocking me?
What am I blocking (or about to block)?
What have I worked on since the last stand up?
What have I worked on since the last stand up?
What am I working on before the next stand up?
*ticket review
What is blocking me?
What am I blocking (or about to block)?
*upgrade step