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<!-- {{BTP300 Index | 20113}}-->
'''Please help make this page resourceful for all BTP300 students to use!(Dr. Chris Szalwinski, Fall 2012)'''
== Object-Oriented Software Development I - C++ ==*This course continues the study of object-oriented programming, which started with BTP200. This course It covers the details of the C++ language at the intermediate level.
=== Subject *'''Course Description and Course Outcome ===Learning Outcomes'''** [ BTP300]=== *'''External Links ===''' ** [ Course Web Site – Lecture Notes]** [ Course Web Site – Timeline]*'''Instructor:''' Dr. Peter Liu (Fall 2012)
== The Project Wiki-based Learning ==The course project *'''Purpose''' <br>**Collaboration is a fourgrowing trend in today's practice of software development. You may visit Wikipedia to read about [ Ward Cunningham] and collaboration in [ agile software development]. IBM has developed a wiki-based product for [ assignment Workplace/16508059-35d0-424f-a3b2-4d5e17840058.html corporate learning]. During this semester, you will use a wiki to build a game using the framework as learn how to '''collaborate''' with your fellow classmates when you are building up your C++ programming skills in this course. The students will take an active role in creating useful contents. The professor will play the starting point. Each team consists role of up to 4 membersan observer and a facilitator. Membership is subject *'''Benefits''' **You will be better prepared to instructor approval enter the IT workforce and is pursue courses on open source software development such as [ OSD600] or [ DPS908].**You are expected to modification until the end of the week of the drop date for use this wiki when you start working on the courseproject as a team. In order to develop professional presentation skills, please pay attention to clarity of expression and spelling errors.*'''Guidelines of Community Practice'''<br>**The first stage key element in fostering a spirit of the assignment augments the console library collaboration is that supports everyone is a '''contributor '''to the course learning community. We will respect each other and interact with each other in a line-editing facilityprofessional way. This stage is completed individually. The next three stages are team stages. Each member is responsible for one aspect of each stage. Details are on the Project Requirements pageYou will discover your ''artistic potentials'' when you use your favorite formats and styles in creating wiki pages.
== Evaluation [[BTP300 To-Do List Fall 2012 | Weekly To-Do List]] ==* Week 3 (Fall 2013)**'''THEME OF THIS WEEK: SENECA IS COOL AND THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! (posted by the newly famous Jodie Carleton)'''*Week 11? (Fall 2013)
* Assignment 30%'''Check out this Link for some help on Linked Lists! '''(posted by Jake Deacon) [ Linked Lists 1] [ Linked Lists 2]*[[Practice for Test 1 (Fall 2013) |Practice for Test 1]]* Individual Work - 50%[[Practice for Test 2 (Fall 2013) |Practice for Test 2]]** Group Work - 50%[[Preparation for Final Exam (Fall 2013) | Preparation for Final Exam]]** Total [[More Practice Problems (Individual + GroupFall 2013) | More Practice Problems (requested by a few students) - 100%]]* Workshops 10%'''[[Looking into the Future - Parallel Programming]]'''* Test 30%'''[[Looking into the Future - Big Data Analytics]]'''* Exam 30%== Assignment Submission Requirements The Course Project ===== Stage 1 ===Submit When you work on the BTP300 assignments, you will tackle complex programming problems under demanding due dates. You can support each other by posting your questions, answers and comments on the following links. You should try your assignment best to resolve a programming issue within your team first before you post it up here. Please do your own homework before you ask for help or clarification. Take a look at [httpshttp://openwww.senecaceclipse.onorg/forums/index.caphp/cmsf/course89/viewEclipse Community Forums] and see how Eclipse developers and users conduct Q & A.php?idNote: DO NOT POST '''general''' C++/C programming questions here. === [[BTP300A Teams (Fall 2013) ]] ====== [[BTP300B Teams (Fall 2013) ]] ===* [[BTP300 Teams Fall 2012 | Teams Fall 2012]] === [[ BTP300A A2 Teams Fall 2013 ]] ====== [[ BTP300B A2 Teams Fall 2013 ]] === === [[ BTP300 Practical Tips 2013 | Practical Guidelines (Fall 2013) ]] ===267 Moodle* [[BTP300 Practical Tips 2012 | Practical Guidelines Fall 2012] as per the instructions on the assignment specifications] === Stages 2 through 4 [[ Assignment 1 (Fall 2013) Q & A ]] ===When ready to submit your final project*[[Assignment 1:Q & A | archive (Fall 2012)]]# Finalize your modifications in trunk.# Create a directory in trunk called: === [[ Assignment 2 (Fall 2013) Q & A]] ===* '''"SubmissionLogs"Evaluation Scheme of Assignment 2'''[]# For each member of * [[Assignment_2_(Fall_2013)_Q_%26_A| How to setup SVN ]]* [[SVN Branches for Assignment 2]] (Alek)* Merging From Your Branch Into the team create a text file named as Trunk**'''"YourSenecaEmailId[[Media:SVN_Merge.txt"pdf|Step by Step Instructions ]] (Alek)''' in the * [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.1): Q & A | archive - A2 R0.1 (Fall 2012)]] * [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.2): Q & A | archive - A2 R0.2 (Fall 2012)]]* [[Assignment 2 (Release 0.3): Q & A | archive - A2 R0.3 (Fall 2012)]] === [[Assignment 3i (Fall 2013) Q & A]] ===*[[Assignment 3i: Q & A | archive (Fall 2012)]]  == Midterms Q & A ==*[[Test 1]] == Learning C++/C Programming ==You may develop your '''"SubmissionLogs"research skills''' directoryby creating useful topics and contents here. In this text file, * Iterators in C++ [ point form, specify /network/2005/10/18/what-is-iterator-in detail-c-plus-plus.html]* [[Virtual Methods and Inheritance | Virtual Destructors and Inheritance]]* [[C++/C Q & A on stackoverlfow]]* [[C/C++ FAQ]]* C++ Documentation []*How does the compilation, all linking process work?[ tasks -compilation-linking-process-work]* Visual C++, Borland C++, and other compilers in one IDE:: If you like to test compiling your codes with different compilers but don't border to install and run them individually, some IDEs are quite handy. E.g. Code::Blocks [] (Other IDEs many also have done this function). You can choose a specific compiler for each build in the group projectIDE itself. * Is sizeof in C++ evaluated at compilation time or run time? [] # Branch (copy) the whole project including the SubmissionLogs directory and its text files into tags directory under * ptrdiff_t is supposed to be used when doing '''"prj1.0"pointer subtraction'''.# If final adjustments are needed after these stepsBut in this example, repeat everything from step one but branch (demo program "pointerSubtraction.cpp" on an int will work just fine storing the trunk into a new directory in tags as '''prj1subtraction result. Reason:[] (Yiqi Liu) * The Function Pointer Tutorials [http://www.newty.1, prj1de/fpt/]* Function pointer (Wikipedia) [http://en.2''',]#* C++ Vector class template []* C++ List class template (for marking purposes, your instructor will consider your last revision as your submissionexamples)[ ] == Workshops Q & A ==*[[Workshop 1]] *[[Workshop 2]] *[[Workshop 5]]
== Resources ==
* [ Download Page of TortoiseSVN]
* [ TortoiseSVN Documentation]
* [ SVN book at] or download[ the PDF from here].
* [ IRC Basics]
* [ AnkhSVN - Free Visual Studio SVN Integration Alternative To VisualSVN]
== Examples and In-Class NotesArchives ==
== Archives ==[[BTP300 Fall 2011]]