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OPS335 Firewall Lab

No change in size, 14:13, 26 September 2011
Building a Simple Firewall
#Make a new chain named MYICMP in the filter table.
#Add a rule to your MYICMP chain that denies ICMP pings from 142.204.141.XXX (the PC beside you).
#Add a rule to your MYICMP chain that denies ICMP pings originating with MAC address of 1100:22:33:44:55:66 (NOTE: to test this you'll have to change the MAC address of the PC beside you with the ifconfig command).
#Add a rule to your MYICMP chain that allows ICMP pings from anywhere.
#Add a rule to the INPUT chain of the filter table to send ICMP ping packets to your MYICMP chain.