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OPS335 Samba Lab

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[[Category:OPS335]][[Category:OPS335 Labs]]
==SAMBA=====Connecting to a Linux Samba - A Windows SMB Server (Matrix) from a Windows Client (Windows 7)==/CIFS fileserver for UNIX=*Power up a Windows 7 system in the lab and login using your LEARN username and password.*You should see an icon of Tux, the Linux penguin, on your desktop. Double-click it to login to your Matrix account. A window of your Matrix home directory should open.*Use the mouse to drag and drop files to and from your Matrix account and {{Admon/important|Warning| Make sure that your Windows 7 lab machine.*Once you VMs are satisfied that fully updated before you can easily move files to/from your Matrix account power off the PCbegin this lab.}}*Set the HD selector switch to boot from your Fedora 13 Linux drive and power on the PC.===Connecting to Configuring a Linux SMB Samba Server (Matrix) from a on Linux Client (Fedora 13)===There are 4 ways that a Linux client can connect to an SMB server. Start by logging into *On your Fedora 13 system as joker and opening a terminal window.#The first way is to use the "Places" menu from a Gnome desktop:VM 2 install Samba#*Switch to root and ensure you are using the default Fedora 13 firewall.#*As root, ensure Samba is installed. Use these two commands: "yum dnf install samba" and "yum install samba-client"#*Fedora encrypts passwords when authenticating SMB connections. Unfortunately Windows clients (here at Seneca) insist on passwords being sent in plain text. For this reason Matrix SMB is set to use plain text passwords. To change Fedora to use plain text passwords switch to root and edit Create a backup of the file /etc/samba/smb.conf file , and immediately after create a new one that includes only the following: [global] section header insert these two lines:#**client plaintext auth workgroup = <yourlearnid>.org server string = "put your real name here without the quotes" encrypt passwords = yes#**client lanman auth smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd [home] comment = "put your real name here without the quotes" path = /home/<learnid> public = no writable = yes# printable = no create mask = 0765*Create Now add a new account on Fedora with parameter to the global section that will limit access to the same name as share so that only machines in your LEARN acount. Set virtual network and those in the password lab room will be able to 'seneca99'access it.#*Logout of joker and login Add a parameter to Fedora using the home section so that only your LEARN nameuser account can access that share.#*Now try Create a Samba password for user <learnid> with the following:command smbpasswd -a <learnid>#*From the "Places" menu at the top of your screenIf you need to, select "Network" and wait until you can change a user's password by using the network scan completes. Then click on command smbpasswd <username>*Confirm the "Windows Network" and then click user you created has been added using the "File" menu following command pdbedit -L -v*Test and select "Connect to Server" and input for the server, review your username for configuration with the ShareName and UserName fields. Then click the Connect button. command testparm*You should can now be able to browse start your Matrix filesSamba server (smb.service) and ensure it will start at boot.#The second way is *Modify the firewall on VM2 to use a web browser with support for the SMB protocol such as Konquerorallow samba traffic. #*If Konqueror is not installed then install it Test if you have a connection with the command: 'yum install kdebase'. # smbclient -U <learnid> -L vm2*Start Konqueror, the web/file browser, and in the Location edit box enter the following: 'smb://matrix/xxxxxx'It will show you a list of all available shares. Where xxxxxx is your Matrix username =Connecting to a Linux SMB Server from a Linux Client=There are many ways that a Linux client can connect to an SMB server. #== Using smbclient ==*Login In a full installation you should not need to install samba-client on your Matrix account. Konqueror should open a window of your Matrix home directoryhost, but if it is not present then do so. #*Use You will also need to install the mouse cifs-utils package to drag and drop files be able to and from your Matrix account and your Fedora Linux machine.Close Konquerormount the filesystem.#The third way is to *From the host use the "smbclient" command in a terminal window.#*At the command prompt enter the following:#** smbclient '\\matrixvm2\xxxxxxhome' -U xxxxxx<learnid>#***where xxxxxx is After entering your Matrix username#**You password you should get a prompt similar to#*** smb: \>#*Enter the ls command to see a list of the files in your Matrix fileshome directory - you may receive the following error.# smb: \> ls NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \**Enter ? SE Linux should be in Enforcing and will need to be adjusted (on the samba server) for this to see a list of smbclient commandswork.# setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1**Use Once you have access to the directory use the get and put commands (similar to ftp) to move files to and from your Matrix account and your Fedora 13 Linux system.#**When done enter you are finished close the quit commandconnection.#== Using 'mount -t cifs' ==*The fourth next way is to use the mount command. '''THIS PART WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK !'''#*Use the mount command on the host to mount your matrix home directory. NOTE: This mount command will only work if your kernel was configured to allow mounting CIFS with unencrypted passwords.#** mkdir /tmp/vm2-home mount -t cifs //matrixvm2/home /xxxxxx tmp/mnt vm2-home -o username=xxxxxx<learnid> ls /tmp/vm2-home == Using Nautilus to browse Samba shares ==#*Use the "Places" menu from the desktop and open 'Browse Network'.*From the menu in the side-bar of the files tool, choose 'Connect to Server'. *where xxxxxx is Enter 'smb://vm2/home' as the location, and enter your your Matrix usernamesamba password in the prompt.#*If *Where vm2 is the name of the previous step workedserver, browse your /mnt directory using cd and ls commands and when done use home is the name of the umount command to directory it is sharing.*After you have checked that you can access your files, unmount your Matrix home directorythe share by right-clicking its icon in the side-bar and clicking 'Unmount'.
==Configuring an SMB Server on LinuxUsing a browser ==Login to Fedora *You can also use a web browser with support for the SMB protocol such as joker and open a terminal windowKonqueror.Use "su -" to become root**Note that firefox does not have such support.Ensure SAMBA *If Konqueror is not installedthen install it with the command: yum install sambakdebaseEdit *Start Konqueror, the web/file /etc/samba/smb.confbrowser, delete all original lines and include in the address bar enter the following smb://vm2/home [global] workgroup = OPS335 server string = "put *Enter your real name here without the quotes"username and password when prompted. encrypt passwords = yes smb passwd *Double click on a file = /etc/samba/smbpasswdyou have some text in. hosts allow = 142**Open it with gedit, make some changes, and save it.204**When prompted, choose to upload the file.141*Close Konqueror. ; note: *cat the above line will allow access from file on your VM2 to ensure the Seneca domain in lab T2107 changes were properly uploaded.
[home] comment = "put your real name here without the quotes" path Connecting to a Linux SMB Server from a Windows Client (Windows 7)= /home/xxxxxxx valid users = xxxxxxx ; remember xxxxxxx is *Power up a Windows 7 system in the lab and login using your LEARN/MATRIX account name public = no writable = yes printable = no create mask = 0765You can comment out all other lines in the fileusername and password.Create a SAMBA password for user xxxxxxx with *Add the command smbpasswd -a xxxxxxxTest prerouting and forwarding rules to your Centos host's iptables necessary to redirect samba traffic from outside your configuration with the command testparmYou can now start network to your SAMBA server /etc/initVM 2.d/smb start or service smb startTest if you have a connection with the command smbclient -L 142*Open up Explorer and Right click on Computer > Map network drive.204.141.yyy > Select a Drive Letter and '\\<ip-Uxxxxxxx%pppppppwhere 142.204.141.yyy is your Fedora Linux IP addressand xxxxxxx is -of-host>\home' > you will then be asked for your Matrix account nameusername and ppppppp is your SAMBA password.If the previous command worked*You should now be able to browser, use another PC (Fedora then Windows) drag and drop your files to establish a connection with and from the SMB server on your Fedora Linux Windows machine. This step is important to ensure your SMB server on Linux is working. NOTE: If your set up looks correct but you can't connect to your SMB server from ==Completing the outside then Lab==While completing this lab you may need to adjust your firewall have gained experience using a service designed to allow SMB connectionsinteraction from a variety of client tools on multiple OS platforms.From another Linux PC, use the mount command You have also experienced service related tools that allow you to mount your home directory onto /mnt. Step 4 view configuration parameters and errors in PART B should help you with this. Record this command as you'll need it for PART Dreal-time.PART D: Answer the following questions
What is your full name and 9 digit Seneca student ID?In PART C step 9, explain how you connected to your SMB server on Linux from a Windows PC. List exactly what you had to do on the Windows PC to test your Linux server.Exploration questions:#What is the purpose of the testparm command?What is the purpose of the smbclient command?#What does SMB stand for? CIFS?#What does the text inside square brackets in the smb.conf file mean? (e.g., "[homeshome]").#Explain the meaning of the line "create mask = 0765" in the smb.conf file?#What does the smbpasswd command do?#What exact mount did the setsebool command did you use in PART C step 10do?