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Configure the paths (
#Make a directory for the framework:<pre>$mkdir C:\mozilla</pre>
#Download entire framework (directories and all subdirectories) and put it in '''C:\mozilla'''
==Configure the paths (
To setup the appropriate paths for the framework, open the '''''' file in '''cC:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\''' and configure the paths:
<pre>CYGWIN = r'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c'</pre>
*The path to cygwin bash to get output from dump() in Firefox
*By default, If you didn't specify a different root directory for the Cygwin you just to be installed , it is in your '''C:\'''
<pre>SYNC = r'c:\cygwin\bin\sync'</pre>
*Runs sync between Ts runs
*By default, If you didn't specify a different root directory for the Cygwin you just to be installed , it is in '''C:\'''
*Check that '''cycler.html''' is in '''C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\page_load_test'''
*'''Note: Don't change the local file url to a file path'''
==Config file==